Show us what you did today, thread

Thought I better start the New Year as I plan to go on. So after getting Caleb sorted this morning and waiting a good while for the ice to melt on the road I went out and put a few miles on the Merckx. Its been a while since I had it out, at least 6 weeks or so and I thought I would give it a last run before stripping it completely and swapping over groupsets, or at least partially.
Anyway it was just an hour or so and it was absolutely freezing up here, well below freezing actually. It was -1 just before I went out and the same or less when I got back in. The wind was just a light breeze but at that temp it took the feeling out my fingers pretty quick. Anyway it was good to be out, and after riding the Trucker lately and having Caleb aboard, the Merckx certainly feels featherlight and very quick by comparison :)
Anyway just one pic that Heather took when I was just heading out. (and I was happier than this pic makes me look )

DSC_1115 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Nice one Jamie I was on the other side of the Solway looking across to bonnie Scotland. Starting the Year as I mean to go on as well


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Nice one mate!
Lovely Pennine :)
I don't normally worry about News Years day as such being anything different but for some reason I just thought it was a good start to the year if I could put a few miles in.
I have the water behind me but that's Hoy behind me :)

You almost look like the cannibal himself when he does his grumpy face! :LOL:

I have done sunrise rides the last couple of new years days but didn't bother this year. Went out for a family walk instead.

Anyway, you built that bling Pug yet?
Thanks Jamie thats a cool looking Merckx too. I need to start putting the miles in I've done more over the hols than I did in total last year :facepalm: . Spent to much time fettling/ building than ridding so all change this year its time to ride them :D . Have a good one and may your miles be many just another thing my post code CA11EB spooky :shock:
Cheers guys,
That is spooky mate and funny. :)
Barry, there wont be anything bling on the Pugs for now. I am probably going to put it all back together over the next couple of days and try and get out for a ride with Brian if he's got any snow. There was a big chunk of paint in the bottom bracket so got the local shop to clean up the threads on Christmas eve, its now decaled but hasn't really progressed much since. As I was off last week except Thursday I thought I may have got a bit done as theres only an hour or two in it as its singlespeed, but aas it was just Caleb and I, the time just never allowed for it.
As for the grumpy Merckx look, well that's most likely a compliment but you realise its all in miniature :)
I still remember the pic from the Killin run with my Merckx parked between Mr Pandas Bianchi and I think it was Hawmaws Gios, looked worse than it is but it was funny.
I will try and find it.


Jamie Merckx
Cor, that looks lovely out on the beach :D And judging from the attire a bit bracing too.

What are those rims Velo ?