Show us what you did today, thread

A nice day weather wise up here in the north, with just a slight breeze slowly picking up this afternoon to a strong force tonight. Originally should have been down in Inverness picking up my Pugsley from the paint shop but once again it wasn't ready due to them not being able to get their bigger blaster fixed. Thankfully they are going to try/get it done in their small blaster and reckon it will be ready for Wednesday before they shut for Christmas. Shame I am at work through till 5.30 on Xmas eve. Oh well, January it is.
Anyway after day of family stuff I decided fairly late on a trip round the coast was needed. It took me a short while to get the Trucker fitted with its lights (made sure they were charged), changed and out the door but I still had some daylight left. The rough plan was to head out past Mey on the back road then head west around the small coast roads and up to Dunnet Head, then back home on the one straight through road. I thought a couple of hours should be fine as I was not racing, I just felt like getting out and spinning the legs, seeing what was happening etc. I knew the bulk of it would be in the dark and that's what I was looking forward to.
Everything, including most of the roads were still wet/damp, especially the singletrack ones that make up most of the coastal route. This wasn't a problem as the trucker has gaurds and it was clean enough anyway. There was some gravel about that I had to be cautious of in the dark as it just seems to blend in under lights.
It was a nice run and felt good to be out in the cool air working away. The wind steadily picked up force as I went and spent the run home into a 3/4 crosswind just to make not too easy a run.
Virtually no traffic and so its always really cool and relaxing to be blasting along come round a bend and see nothing on the road for the next mile or two, no cars, no houses, just the countryside lit up by the moon with the road directly infront aglow from your lights. Nice :)
I hope everyone else had some good weather today and maybe had the chance to make the most of it.
Again, just thought I would share.


ps: some pics are a good bit out of focus due to not using the falsh, just shows it more like it was.

DSCN2096 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2099 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2104 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2112 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2107 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2120 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2123 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking west from Dunnet Head with Thurso lit up.
DSCN2138 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Bit blurry but a lovely moon
DSCN2154 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
I just wish Jamie wouldn't go so close to the edge of those cliffs. It's a long, long way down. Makes me cringe. :)

Still what else can we expect from an Ozzie whale wrangler?
Sorry Brian, it was dark so I couldn't see the edge ;)


(No longer do I wrangle whales, now I delicately dissect the deceased ;) )
looks good Jamie, wind, rain, sleat, broken hanger in the group and miles of pushing for me today. still got numb fingers

Many thanks go to Brian for picking up my Pugsley frame from the painters and taking it home today :-* I drove down to Brians and picked it up tonight after work and am not too long in, about 10.30 or so.
When I seen it at Brians I was a bit underwhelmed, but Brian did say it stood out more in the daylight. Either way it looked better in silver than it did in white and I did say that the flake would be subtle and small, like glitter. I think Brian thought it would be really magenta, hence why he calls it Priscilla Queen of the desert.
There was a fair bit of rough edging to it that I have spent the last couple of hours trimming, but its all fine and has come up very well. I am far happier with it now, to be fair I think I only was seeing the negatives when I seen it at Brians for only a few minutes before putting it in the car, and this was after a long busy day and then a two hour drive. Brian did remind me it was a big ask to do what I wanted in powdercoat. It required 2 coats the colour and then the clear with a flake and to be really fair they did as I asked or wanted, but due to this it is thick :D
Anyway I am really pleased with it and will hopefully over the next few days get it decaled and back together.
Unfortunately I just realised that the old style decals I got for it in white don't have a pair of fork stickers, so will sort that with Gil. I will also change a few bits in the new year like stem and seatpost from black to silver but for now the old gear will go back on it.
The frame looks for all intents and purpose like it is a straight silver but in the light you pick up the magenta. The flake is very small and quite subtle but hopefully on those rare Scottish days when the sun shines it will then stand out.
I am quite pleased with it as it was pretty much what I envisaged in my head and will hopefully look OK in the daylight.
Its silver with a nod to the old purple Pugsley ;)


DSC_1119 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Bit of light and .......
DSC_1113 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1118 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

You really only see it when the light hits it
DSC_1129 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

glad you got in before the festive :cool:

looks nice jamie, was it expensive?

wheel specialists in harbour road wanted £110 to paint my Alves :shock:

i ended up having it done in Glasgow for £40

might see if they could paint my XTR cranks :facepalm:

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