Show us what you did today, thread

Nice pic Clubby :) Weather looks good down your way.
ZZ that frame looks really nice, definately a SS frame for sure ;)


Tuesday was such a glorious day up here and mid afternoon I said to my boss 'its far too good a day to be working, I should be out riding' then cheekily added ' can I have tomorrow off as I need to go for a ride as weathers great' To my suprise she hesitated and then replied 'sounds good, why not, enjoy yourself'
So a quick text to Brian (epicyclo) to see if he was up for a mid week ride and a plan was hatched. His son and his girlfriend were up from Edinburgh and had their singlespeeds so they would join us.
I left about 7 and drove down to Brians for about half 9 and we spent the day riding to Strathpeffer and then up into the hills along some great trails. Some were pretty overgrown and the nettles and ferns were taller than me ( dont laugh) but it was a great mix. A good bit of climbing, some bits dry and others a bit wet so a good variation.
Brian and I were on our 1X1's equiped with dirt wizards, obviously the choice of men with taste :LOL: I must say that running them with low pressures felt great all round and didn't slow me down like I thought it would on the road section. Its been a while since I gave the 1X1 a good long ride and with these tyres its makes it better still. I really love this bike and the way it rides and after spending most of my time on the Pugsley lately it now feels even more spritely :LOL:
Anyway, thought I would share what was a bonus day when I should have been at work.
Thanks go to Brian for the company.


1X1's and Dirt Wizards 'handle like they're on rails'

Brian and the Pathe racer bared 1X1

Looks like a good day out lads, always nice to get a sneaky ride in when you should be working :cool:
Looks like youve both had a really nice day. Weather looks right , not too warm though as in humid ?
Jealous as ever of the ability to operate one of those magic boxes with the wheel on each corner :mrgreen: So much of Scotland ive walked would love to ride. Hey ho :)

Usual for me :) Taking delivery of a newish bit of kit. This time its a router table Triton is the make which is an Australian company and the routers themselves have features some of the other pro routers just dont have.
Ive been using their big router for about 4 years and at 3 1/4hp does anything.

Hopefully as theres been hinting of getting back into a certain cabinet shop, with me own lockable space.
Orders taken ;)


  • Triton dedicated router table and stand 002 (Custom).JPG
    Triton dedicated router table and stand 002 (Custom).JPG
    107.9 KB · Views: 229
If i get back into the workshop thats the thing im used to using , minimax i think that one is. Probably weighs about 200kg which is actually light :LOL: but a 6"x3" cutterblock doing 8000rpm is not ideal for machining moulding onto 12mmx10mm stock,which is where these wee ones excel.
Retrobike, Retrobike, Retrobike......keep repeating that, it'll become second nature before you know it......accepting your a wood worker is the first part in letting go and returning to the "normality" of retrobike ;)
went from this

to this

and with the forks the right way

still have know idea what the frame is but its from the 70s i think