Show us what you did today, thread


Nice sunny afternoon so down the beach with the little man for a few miles. Had to head into town so we got a few more miles in around the shore and harbour in town.
Hope everyone had an enjoyable Saturday.
Heres a short video of the beach.


Hi mate
No Dunnett beach is relatively safe, so happy to take the little man there. Its Sandside thats a bit, how do you put it, ;)
We were called there once for a seal pup and had to go through Dounray, they scanned us on the way in and then on the way out. We had with us a large transport box and the rescue bag for retrieving it off the beach. Well the towel and the expensive rescue bag set the machine crazy due to being in contact with the sand on the beach so they were taken from me and destroyed.
We took a grey seal pup of the same beach only a couple of years back that sent the machines crazy for particle contamination. I ended up just loading it and telling the guys they knew where we were based if they needed us. Nobody had a clue what to do, I dont think it was in the giant list of scenarios they were ready for. It was minimal and our vets weren't worried for the seal and it was up to me if I was happy dealing with it. It was fine and released once fit and well. My thought was if it went into the water and swam 100 metres along the coast then the Special Police at Dounray wouldn't have even been interested.

Theres a lot they dont tell us about the nuclear industry and by all accounts pretty frightening. Like when we were producing plutonium for our weapons industry in the 50's and 60's. The make it in the reactor in crucibles that have cooling fins on them. I dont completely understand the process but they found that removing the fins they could fit more crucibles in the reactor. Apparently the danger factor of a complete reactor fire and meld down were 50/50

It was raining :( so no bike riding though for all the places i have to ride thats no great loss. Trip to town anyone ? :LOL:

Im in the middle of helping 3 members work out WTF they need for their hope hubs, axles and spacers wise. and due to hopes reluctence to archive all the sizes date(their new look archive is very good ill admit but it could be far far better EG WHY IS THERE NO EXPLODED DIAGRAM FOR THE BIG UN ??? Or sizes, or axle fitting etc. Its nice, its handy but could be fuller.
People are also approching me via ebay :shock: Maybe i should have kept quiet about the hope stash.

So anyway,got the rear bulbs sorted with those elusive ratchet rings ,just have to decide if if i want Rampage to ano them :? or build them up in silver.


  • Hope Bulb with 12mm and quick release axle 001 (Custom).JPG
    Hope Bulb with 12mm and quick release axle 001 (Custom).JPG
    80.2 KB · Views: 133

Took the Skip Find Bridgestone on a trip to Mount Keen with Freddie :D

Left the bike at Glenmark Cottage but the whole track is "easy" bikeable after a fashion although bounce better than rigid.


Need new rear derry cable outer as the original 1988 one has split which rendered me single speed after the first 5 minutes :roll:
Tough as old boots those Bridgestones, however after Torridon I sold mine on and I admitt I dont miss it. Bounce is needed for me up in those impressive highland hills !