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velomaniac":3q0l9yod said:
As regards the hooped bivi bag, I have a Terra Nova Jupiter which is the single hooped version of the saturn. I find it great for what its designed for, its not a tent just a place to kip outdoors. The hoop just allows a wee bit of movement around your head so you can say have a wee read or eat/drink without having to stick your head out into inclement weather. Two hooped version just gives you somewhere to store your pack.

How do you find it for length V ? Youre about the same height as me and as i understand it these things are or can be on the shorter size :?
I like a bit of a porch, somewhere i can sit in my bag,mostly protected and brew up my coffee. So it does need to be able to contain me and something like a trangia,
Be no use for brewing up in, definite fire risk there. You need a one man tent say with a side opening door or something. Bivi tents are too compact for what you want. Otherwise I find it plenty long enough.

that is a great tent tk, friend had the terra nova version which was uber cool- my wee wild country one man was great too.


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Today I took the Galaxy along the Fife Coastal Path to measure it for Friday (D Day)
That was Elie to St Andrews, DO NOT EVER CONSIDER doing the above on a bike.
25 miles of shear torture covered in (drum roll) 4hrs 24mins & 30sec :(
I made upwards of 50 attempts to break my ankle but its still in one piece.
ouch Rob looks like you've developed a cankle, hope you recover for your event!

cool tk, that zephyros lite looks pretty identical to the TN comp laser, which looks like the tent in the foreground of gazz's pic. 6 weeks and counting until my next canvas adventure, canny wait
the wild country zephyros is made by terranova to the same design just with cheaper and slightly heavier materials