Show us what you did today, thread

Re: Re:

The History Man":3l70qbgq said:
Only me again. Is there a thread for your build pleeeese? Still thinking here.

There's not a build thread as such, mostly because I didn't really have to do much to get it back into usable condition! It's pretty rough really, most of the chrome is shot - strangely it seemingly just requires a few nice shiny pieces here and there to distract the eye from all the rust damaged stuff.

Summary of what I did;

Went over the paint and chrome with brasso; removed wheels, gave them a wire brush & Jenolite treatment, trued them a bit (snapping and having to replace a spoke on the front in the process), fitted new rim tape, tubes and tyres; dismantled brake calipers, cleaned them up, oiled them and fitted new blocks; put new rivets in to hold on the saddle covering (which all eventually pulled through again, I'm going to need to use washers or slightly bigger rivets if I can find some); stripped, cleaned, lubed and reassembled pedal bearings; applied plenty of oil to the hubs, bottom bracket and chaincase oil ports; fitted new handlebar grips. Oh, and fitted my Frankensteinesque bottle cage.

If you click on the photo above it should take you to the photobucket album where there are a few more pics if you haven't seen them already...
Out for a couple of hours this afternoon/evening. I took the Trucker out for a slow meander up to Dunnet Head then a cruise round the coast against the headwind for an ice cream at Groats.
Stopped off here and there and took a few side tracks seldom used. Quite a headwind all the way out but a nice afternoon ride. Stopped off at a Viking burial spot for a drink and to follow a bit of singletrack along a short section of coast. Made it to Groats with 5 mins to spare before the ice cream shop shut and then it was a ride home on the high road. Thought I might have had a good tail wind but unfortunately it turned slightly and while still a slight advantage it was more of a cross wind, a cool one by this time as well.
Hope everyone else is having a nice Easter, by the look of it there is a lot going on.
Hope to catch up soon.


keithyr":2a3r8pgj said:
Looks braw up there Jamie


I took the new ride out on it's maiden voyage this morning.
Came back with a big smile. :mrgreen:


That looks brilliant!
A great photo as well :D
So thats what you've been up to.
More pics and more info..........please ;)

firedfromthecircus":3e41mdto said:
...I took the new ride out on it's maiden voyage this morning.
Came back with a big smile.

Tell us more :)

What make is it?

I fancy a recumbent, but I want one that could handle a gravel road. Yours looks like a possibility.
Yeah, found a whole new world of pedal powered madness! :LOL:

I discovered velomobiles online somehow! No idea how it happened, but started looking into things. Then this came up for sale s/h located in Fife and it was really too good a chance to pass up. It will allow me to see how I like the recumbent experience and build up recumbent legs in case I do decide to drop a huge sum of money on a velomobile! :shock:

It is a 2012 Catrike Trail which had only 60 miles on it.

Don't have many pics of it yet, but I'm sure I will rectify that in the coming weeks! :LOL:

But here is one of the other side.


Although this model is called the Trail, it's not really meant for what we call trails. With 20" wheels all round the rear mech is too close to the ground for any real rough stuff. The 3 wheel tracks would make it a bit tricky off road too. But if you stuck on a hub gear and schlumpf drive it might be a goer!
There are other trikes available with larger rear wheels which would be better for dirt and gravel but what you really need Brian is one of these custom jobs, or how about one of these which I am sure you will have seen on the site that we dare not mention! :LOL:
Whats the attchment on the seat above you head :? Lighting ? Good spot for a camera ;)

Looks fantastic and a bit safer that the 2 wheeled variety. How does it corner at speed, a failing of all three wheelers :?
That's me neck rest Dyna. Don't use it when riding, just when you stop for a rest.:LOL: So my head is actually above that.

As for cornering, it was my first time out so I ca'd canny. Ah didnae want a rollover first ride, but you can lean into the corners and the c.o.g is very low so shouldn't be all that bad. Slower than a bike that you can lean though.

But some folk prefer them on 2 wheels anyway.
