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What bars are those? I'm starting to see the appeal of that hand position having used the roadster quite a bit over the past two weeks... couldn't hack singlespeed I don't think though, I draw the lower limit at 3 speeds!

I ended up using the roadster again for this afternoon's ride having discovered that my Fire Mountain needs a new cassette in addition to the other bits I've already replaced. Should have known it would really but it hardly seems like any time since I last replaced it...
Re: Re:

ajm":1fsklu47 said:
What bars are those? I'm starting to see the appeal of that hand position having used the roadster quite a bit over the past two weeks... couldn't hack singlespeed I don't think though, I draw the lower limit at 3 speeds!

I ended up using the roadster again for this afternoon's ride having discovered that my Fire Mountain needs a new cassette in addition to the other bits I've already replaced. Should have known it would really but it hardly seems like any time since I last replaced it...

Bar is a Satori Bull bar. It's also available branded as something else. I get them from Square Wheels. When the rep showed it to Steve he knew I'd buy it as soon as I saw it. :)

You'll probably still be riding that roadster with the same transmission in 10 years and have replaced that cassette another umpteen times in the interim.
looking good chaps (& burger)

epicyclo - what's the verdict on the Ibera frame bag. certainly an attractively low price
gmac123":2yqlr1g1 said:
looking good chaps (& burger)

epicyclo - what's the verdict on the Ibera frame bag. certainly an attractively low price

It seems handy. That was the first time I have ridden with it - it was a trial run.

Basically I didn't notice it. The only time it got in the way was when I had to lift the bike, but it's easy enough to find another hand position.

I don't think it would be very waterproof at the zips and top stitching - but I'll put a small hole at the bottom if water getting in at the top becomes a problem.

At the price, a bargain.
After yesterday's ride I decided that my retro 1x1 needed some modern tyres. After all we don't use original tyres.

A few slight mods today and...

Once you're fat, there's no going back... :)
Over the last week we've gone from this....

To this....

The steels go in today then is it a rip out re-plumb, rewire and new kitchen over the next month or so. I'll not be getting out much in that period.
Re: Re:

ajm":2jcg0g42 said:
Finished off Saturday's half-done job... broken spoke in the roadster's front wheel replaced, wheel trued up (well - more true than it was, at least), new rim tape & tube & tyre to match the back one. For the first time in several decades it has a matching pair of tyres - the whitewalls are already showing multiple oil stains, not the most practical colour for a bike like this!

Then out for a few miles of a test ride, terrible headwind all the way out but had an easy time of it coming home, just the way I like it.

Only me again. Is there a thread for your build pleeeese? Still thinking here.