Show us what you did today, thread

old_coyote_pedaller":1c4y5ik6 said:
Ah, I see, not only socks but plus-fours as well by the looks of it. :LOL:

Aye, looks like he's just dropped the golf bats in the boot of the range rover and stepped off the links and onto a fatbike! :LOL:

Suppose it's a better look than a fake beard though. :facepalm: :LOL:
34 mile loop round the base of the Campsies

A bit grey and overcast with the sunshine peeping out from the clouds every now and then, unbelievably warm though for December


Not sure the temp today but forecast said 11c for yesterday.

Not on for a white Christmas it seems :? Fingers crossed, im still on total slicks :LOL: