Show us what you did today, thread

Jamiedyer":4u8j1v88 said:
...Brian had a slow leak on the rear tube so we stopped to swap tubes out, couldn't find anything wrong so maybe it was a leaking valve and then rode on up the climbs, up, up and up. A nice ride across the top in a welcome patch of sun and then a blast back down to the carpark.
A very pleasant afternoon, thanks Brian.

Never, ever, smugly say you haven't had a puncture in ages - even if it was only to yourself. :(

Still it was a good opportunity to try out my fat pump (it works really well), and a reminder to carry a spare tube instead of patches when you're riding with other people so you don't hold up the ride (I owe Jamie a tube).

It also demonstrated the usefulness of those little red horns I have on my bars. Kept the fancy bits out of the muck when the bike is upside down.

Thanks for coming down and getting me off my arse Jamie. I've been spending too much time brewing up antique mystery bikes.
These things happen mate, did you find the problem with the tube?
Thanks again for coming out as I had a nice ride out as usual.
Good weather, good company, good terrain, what could be better?


Unimpressed Brian
Chickened out of my original plan, the road is single track and at around 5 miles in the surface deteriorates somewhat to the extent a mountain bike would have been a better bet.
I did however manage a nice 11.3 mile ride with around 1000 feet of elevation







FFTC wrote:
Started on my newest build today

Nice colour Salsa, need more info and pics mate ;)

47p2, they are great pics, the weather doesn't seemed to have changed since the last time I was down that way :LOL: No seriously, the pics are really good, make me wish I was there with you.
