Show us what you did today, thread

Whits Jesus got to do with it, he's already had a public holiday to celebrate his greatness, dont let that middle eastern sandal wearer steal LGF's thunder ;)
Whits Jesus got to do with it, he's already had a public holiday to celebrate his greatness, dont let that middle eastern sandal wearer steal LGF's thunder ;)
velomaniac":npu3alfc said:
Whits Jesus got to do with it, he's already had a public holiday to celebrate his greatness, dont let that middle eastern sandal wearer steal LGF's thunder ;)

Damn, see, i could have passed that off as my idea, made out i'm as clever as the big cheese :), he's probably never in here anyway.
Bought a Bell Alchera helmet out of Halfords tonight.

It's going back tomorrow. The helmet has 3 pads inside, all of which are at the front. The top of my head is against the hard plastic LOL Something must be wrong with that surely !!

Also there are a coupld of notch type marks on the helmet. I suspect it's been returned by another customer !!

I'll check the replacement before i leave the shop tomorrow !!

mikee":10my070q said:
plumbers pipe freeze and a prior soaking in coca-cola usually does the trick
the coke should dissolve the corrosion and the freeze stuff should shrink the post enough to free it up
build a well around the seat tube /post junction and pour the
coke in it , bluetack or plasticene work well ,leave it for a day or so ,just top it up now and then if it needs it

do not do what most folk do and saw it off flush with the seat tube top

Diet coke or regular ? LOL

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions - hopefully WD40 through the wee hole in the frame will work. If not, i'll try them all until something does !!


Mr Panda":1uzlituc said:
if you're really lucky the seatpost will be stuck at the correct height for you to use :D

LOL - I bought a new seat post a cpl of days ago from Ebay. It was shipped today, so should be here soon.

The guy selling me the bike sent me a message on Wednesday saying my bike would be shipped on Thurdsay. No update from him yet though, so i am not sure if it was or not. I want to ensure someone is at home when it's due to arrive, as it won't fit thru the letterbox LOL I don't want the hassle of a redelivery, or having to drive to somewhere miles away to pick it up from the nearest shipping companys depot !!

Paid for a NOS saddle from here this morning by Paypal, so hopefully it's on the way now too. If so, i should have everything when the bike arrives. Woo hoo !!