Shimano Indexed Thumbshifter Lubricate??


Dirt Disciple
My gear shifters are old Shimano bar mounted thumb levers. The right (rear) is a little stiff, deraileur seems fine.
At 25 years old, wondering if they need a lubricate as its not something Ive lubed before.

As the right is indexed (sti I think w=is on it but not what modern sti seems to mean?) Im not overly worried about losing the friction on it.

So, would you lube it? and if so, would you just pop the top cap off and squirt in some TF2, WD40 or similar?
Dismantling looks like maybe a one way direction resulting in destruction.
Dont think I would dismantle, but if a squirt in the top would help, not hinder, then Id go for that.
Any thoughts please?

I wouldn't use wd40 not really a lubricant as such.
Mucoff dry chain lube might work. Best bet is strip clean and grease it up. The shifter that is :facepalm:
Check it's not just stiff cables first, failing that a few drops of light machine oil will work a treat.
Im not too sure of the rebuild and dismantle on these so could bust it so the machine oil is best bet i think :)