Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

They're from Edinburgh but thats got nothing to do with the name. Aparently they came up with the name by chucking a dart at a world map. The dart hit Bay City, Michigan :LOL:
Bloody flickr! Theyve fucked about with their website so much that I cannot work out how to upload photos any more. Does this forum need BB code or HTML? Supppose I should go read FAQS
You'll be the Loch Toon Rollers as you sweep into Ullapool.
I'll not be able to ride the Bravo route. I'm going to leave my car in Garve, get a lift back to Strathpeffer for the start of Registration at The Pavilion. They are going to have the cafe open from 7.00 in the morning for tea, coffee and rolls. (I'll see how the budget goes but its unlikely this will be part of the ticket price)
The start is at 8.30. You leave en masse. I'll wait until 10.30 when the Little Bravo leaves, ride to Garve then drive over to Ullapool to be there for the first riders coming in. I'm allowing 10 hours for the Bravo. I guess some fit b-----ds will do it in 7 or so inc the lunch stop. So they could be arriving in Ullapool about 2.30. Plenty of time to get cleaned up ready for the evening. Its the slow ones I am concerned about. At least in June there is plenty of daylight. There are only 3 realistic opt outs from the route if you get into trouble once past Inchbae. 1.Back down to the main road from Strathvaich. 2. At Amat House, onto the tarmac and out to Bonar Bridge. 3. Out onto the A837 at Oykel Bridge via Glen Einig. This latter would be from the Duaig Bridge area which is the most remote and difficult part of the route. This is the area where I expect trouble. Any advice gratefully received.
Sounds much more 'decisive' and I agree with the new cut off.
As I said before I was always up for riding and joining in but just wanted a bit more of a firm sense of what it was aiming to be.
Thanks for sorting me out :)

I reckon the new cut off is a better idea, indeed I'd say you could cut it even more 67 possibly? Alas this scuppers my involvement :( but I get why it should be done.
K, get something cheap closer to June, get it rideable and do the route then punt it on gumtree or some such. You dont need something permanent in your collection. It does good for the green credentials to rescue something from the tip/scrappy, give it a new lease of life ;)

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