Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

highlandsflyer":1vdbo186 said:
velomaniac":1vdbo186 said:
You the organiser has the final say of course but as a self confessed incomer, remember where you are ;)

The man has lived here longer than I have been on the planet. I reckon 47 years qualifies him to decide how to honour our culture.

I think the wee wink at end says that velo wasn't entirely serious, but he does have a point.
I'm old enough to remember Andy Spewart and the White Heather Club etc, on the TV as being representative of our "culture", cringingly embarrassing in the extreme. So to have a cycle ride across the Highlands with the riders dressed like characters from the film Brigadoon would only be maintaining the same Tartan Trash caricature image of Scottish tourism. Because many of the riders would feel the need to be dressed head to foot in tartan/Tweed to be in character.

Maybe less of an emphasis on tartan and/or Tweed and more on actual cycling clothing of the period would be a good idea.

Sorry if this has already been said/rehashed.
I included the wink in my quote, just having read that the man has lived here since 1966 I thought it was ironic to talk about him as an incomer when he has been here longer than the majority of us natives, even in jest.

As far as the pastiche element of the tartan and tweed goes, that can be fun too. The organiser clearly has a finely honed sense of humour and as a Highlander I get it. Dressing up in old garb and hooning about on old bikes is a crack. I can't see how it demeans anyone, nor reinforces any stereotypes.
Apologies HF, boots cooled but still against mtb's, they're not even remotely period correct and could have the opposite effect by encouraging more retro mtb'rs in the future untill the event becomes exclusively mtb. Start as you mean to go on but promote, promote, promote !

You dont have to be a highlander to get it, we get it, we're just not keen is all.
highlandsflyer":1w7mnoqt said:
It would be the perfect excuse to get hold of one of these! Can I wear a steel helmet?

But, but, splutter, they're English wae an English bike. You've taken that too far.

Also think it's the "pastiche element of the tartan and tweed" that gets up lots of Scot's noses, makes me cringe anyway.
I've worn a kilt when I've been on tour with my rugby club so not averse to tartan, in fact I enjoyed wearing a kilt.
Whatever the image is/was, my works PC's blocked it so dont know whats going on but its yet another chance to see one of OCP's funny emoticons so thats good :D
velomaniac":33tqsvco said:
Whatever the image is/was, my works PC's blocked it so dont know whats going on but its yet another chance to see one of OCP's funny emoticons so thats good :D

Twas picturs of Lancashire Fusiliers (Cycle Corps) fae the Great War wae a BSA Folding Bicycle oan thur backs.

Now you've got it
there's no need to

:( I have an 88 Alves MTB and have been excluded, despite the fact that it's Made in Elgin and my name is WALLACE! I wanted the chance to sample the apparel. :D
The History Man":hnj71ftb said:
:( I have an 88 Alves MTB and have been excluded, despite the fact that it's Made in Elgin and my name is WALLACE! I wanted the chance to sample the apparel. :D

'You have bled with Wallace, now tweed with me'.