Salsa a la Carte Jellybean

Kind words. Very kind. I’d hate to be someone to make another jealous, but if someone else owned this, I’d be jealous frankly. So I consider myself a lucky chap.
you will stress the frame and expand the tube permanently
The current seatpost moves very easily in it. If I loosen the clamp it just slides down with gravity. So happy to try 0.2mm wider, I won’t force it, if it doesn’t go then do be it.
Kind words. Very kind. I’d hate to be someone to make another jealous, but if someone else owned this, I’d be jealous frankly. So I consider myself a lucky chap.
you may revel in your luckiness like a big happy sunburnt pig n paradise! Enjoy's the epitome of why we're all here .. an absolute peach.
It's the purple and black version I'm craving...
Just so nobody feels left yourself!

pw_pw_la Notice how I pulled all the purple and black ones out ...