Sachs Powerlinks


Retrobike Rider
Broke my chain the other day and had no means of repair, so it was quite a nuisance. Point being that it was the powerlink itself that broke (and yes I did have a spare at home but not with me, and yes I could have mended the chain without even a tool, and yes they do only weigh two grammes, I did reflect on all that). But I thought it was Shimano chains that were most likely to break and I hadn't heard that it was the powerlink itself that was the most dodgy bit of a Sachs/SRAM chain. Do powerlinks break all the time and I've just been lucky (or feeble) up to now?
I've never broken one before - and used Sedis / SRAM chains for about 15 years. Usually other links went on the rare occasions I broke one.

I think you were just unlucky.
You must have upset the naughty fairies for that to have happened as i've sold/fitted and used powerlinks for years & have never heared of one snapping, I can sell you a potiion which i got from a Lepracorn which will break the faries curse , as its well known lepracorns hate fairies. :roll: