Rugby World Cup


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
98+ BoTM Winner
Anyone else getting excited? Looking forward to this one despite the matches taking place the other side of the world. Can see several early morning hours of TV over the next few weeks.
REKIBorter":2a21ketj said:
Anyone else getting excited? Looking forward to this one despite the matches taking place the other side of the world. Can see several early morning hours of TV over the next few weeks.


Did I mention I'm a rugby fan.

And quite excited....

We'll make the final again - where we will meet the All Blacks, he we don't it's hat eating time!

Looking forward to this :D :D :D
Next saturday i'll be in the local rugby club at 9am for breakfast.
I'll then be watching the game with about 20 mad welshmen and 1 not quite so mad kiwi, did i mention i'm english :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Its going to be a messy few weeks :cool:
I also predict we'll make the final, i also predict it will be against the All Blacks.
It will be close for 50 mins at which point the kiwi's bottle will go and we'll romp to victory :LOL: :LOL:
*must remember that at some point during the world cup i must ride my bike at FoD*

hmm....a lot of crystal balls,you Englishmen....Its gonna be a crowded final as we (Ireland) will be there too,but the more the merrier! Good luck all! ;)

p.s. New Zealand WILL utterly intimidate,destroy and humiliate every single team of pretenders brought before them.Its gonna be good. :twisted:
Really looking forward to it! Not sure about Ireland getting to the final based on their recent form (awful), but England are in with a shout. All we need is NZ to choke like normal and we'll be laughing! :LOL:
Ahem............Cymru am byth :cool:

I wish :( but never mind. Wales have a very hard group but they have the capability of beating RSA but need to play out of their skins. Samoa could again be an upset for them. England better watch out for Scotland and the Argies who are both targeting the Anglo-Saxons as the game to win. Englands last game against Wales clearly show that they are not contenders for the trophy. That was the last game mind. Can they improve? Because to stand any chance of winning in Eden Park against an onslaught of Maori fury they must.

Vive la France!! If they turn up France might even surprise the hosts in the Pool match. They are my bet

Sorry about this guys but the classics are always the best

The All Blacks were playing England, and after the half-time whistle blew they found themselves ahead 50-0, Jonah Lomu getting eight tries.
The rest of the team decided to head for the pub instead of playing the second half, leaving Jonah to go out on his own.
"No worries," Jonah told them, "I'll join you later and tell you what happened." After the game Jonah headed for the pub where he told his team mates the final score - 95-3. "What!!!!," said a furious Michael Jones. "How did you let them get three points??!" Jonah replied apologetically: "I was sent off with 20 minutes to go."

Good luck to all the 5 Nations teams. Be good to teach those south of the equator some humility in their own back yard (i.e. hemisphere). Here's hoping :shock:

Pretty sure we've spanked the irish since you 'sneaked' your victory the other week :D :D
Our group is a doddle, but we must win the group to avoid New zealand(i think) in the quarters :shock:

And yes, good luck to all, especially the ones in white with a red cross ;)

Last game against a good team mind ;) Ireland don't count ;) (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry) at least they can get a discount on the flights for the over 60's (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry).

England are simply not good enough to win the world cup, neither is Wales, Ireland or Scotland. The Tri Nation Teams are the powerhouses. The All Blacks must be favourites as they are on home soil. But they have probably had the worst run up of game results to a RWC for ages. This either means they are feeling the pressure and are again going to bottle it or (and this is what I fear) they are going to steam roll.

Australia 25 New Zealand 20

South Africa 18 New Zealand 5

What's going on? Keeping players back for the tournament, injury worries?? They don't wash. New Zealand are feeling the pressure. McCaw was neutralized. Awesome player but do they rely on him too much?

England and Wales, pretty close to each other, 5th and 6th in the rankings. I would like to think that both would make the quarters BUT after that I think that to progress further both team will need to play out of their skins whilst the opposition have a mare. Wales are riddled with injuries and have a Pool of death (again!!). Ireland should get out of the Pool Stages but injuries are a concern as those old bones start aching. Scotland should target England and Argentina as being their games. Argentina is the 'bogey' game for the Scots same as Samoa is for the Welsh

France - ah France :cool: - not that convincing against Ireland but they could be the only 5 nations team to stand up to the big boys and turn up the heat. Then again France have crumbled in the past.

Oh God I could go on and on and on :) Can't wait so excited!!

Couldn't resist

An old farmer was out on his hillside tending his flock one day, when he saw a cyclist dismount from one of those new fangled mountain bikes and start drinking with a cupped hand from the stream which ran down from one of his fields. Realising the danger, he shouted over to the man, 'Paid a yfed y dwr! Mae'n ych-y-fi!' [Don't drink the water. It's disgusting!]
The man at the stream lifted his head and put a cupped hand to his ear, shrugged his shoulders at the farmer, and carried on drinking.
Realising the man at the stream couldn't hear him, the farmer moved closer, 'Paid a yfed! Dwr ych-y-fi! Defaid yn cachu yn y dwr!' [Don't drink. Water's disgusting. Sheep shit in the water.]
Still the walker couldn't hear the farmer. Finally the farmer walked right up to the man at the stream and once again said again, 'Dwr yn ych-y-fi! Paid a'i yfed!'. [Water's disgusting. Don't drink it!]

'I'm dreadfully sorry old boy, I can't understand a damn word you say! Can't you speak English?' Said the man at the stream, in a splendid English drawl.

'Oh I see', said the farmer, 'I was just saying boyo, that if you use both hands you can get more in........ !

sorry :oops:
rosstheboss":2w1qexze said:

We'll make the final again - where we will meet the All Blacks, he we don't it's hat eating time!


Do you want chips, jacket potato or salad with that :)


Anyway you can't come round my house to tell me off. It costs too much money to get into the holy land. Free to go the other way though

Sorry (again)