Update for Jez's funeral and celebration of life in case anyone who knew him wants to attend either or both.

Message from Olivia Avery
As the Avery family wishes haven’t been kept private the funeral & celebration of life details are as follows:
Celebration of life.
Friday the 31st of January.
Rocker hotel, Roker terrace, Roker, Sunderland
SR6 9ND at 11:30
And if you wish to attend the funeral, details are below.
Friday the 31st of January.
Sunderland Crematorium, Chester road, Sunderland. SR4 7RS. At 10am
Dress code for both are to wear bright happy colours, wear old school race gear, bring your biking helmets, fake moustaches, brink old bmx bikes, any memorable photos.
Thank you all, Olivia and the Avery family