The finished article looks fantastic!
Appreciate the effort you've put in there to get a quality build. Reading through the thread and link and seeing it was pulled out of a skip/ was going to be thrown away makes a quality result like that even more satisfying! ( my old Orange elite build was a skip rescue )
Massive soft spot for the 703DX/ 704XT freewheel era Ridgebacks - an itch I'd like to scratch one day!
Your build looks spot on! -
The finished article looks fantastic!
Appreciate the effort you've put in there to get a quality build. Reading through the thread and link and seeing it was pulled out of a skip/ was going to be thrown away makes a quality result like that even more satisfying! ( my old Orange elite build was a skip rescue )
Massive soft spot for the 703DX/ 704XT freewheel era Ridgebacks - an itch I'd like to scratch one day!
Your build looks spot on! -