Retrobikes of the future ?

Easy_Rider":j381cxke said:
Neil G":j381cxke said:
Dr S":j381cxke said:
On Ones are rare? On the moon they might be. If it sells for more than £150 I'll show you a fool. You can buy a new one for less. As for ten years time they will be rare- they are bought as hacks and thrashed to death- a disposable item like a toothbrush or Korean car. Raleigh Mustangs were cheap and are now rare as hens teeth but they don't sell for as much as a decent hot meal when they show up on eBay.
I know they have their fans but classics they ain't. One of the worst frames I've ever riden.
Please don't buy a load of them as a retirement plan dude :?


I do agree on them NOT being rare....ten a penny really, same goes for Cotics. Never ridden either so can't comment on the handling etc. though.

Not being a snob though, TBH some of the Groovy bikes I've seen are way OTT.

At the end of the day own bikes you like....I wouldn't colllect antiques that looked/worked s**t even if they were going to be worth money in the future.

In the interests of impartiality, I would like to ad he was specifically referring to the 853 model and not on-one in general. Whether the 853 is indeed rare or not I have no idea.

I know but is it really that desirable?
I think a Giant Glory...

now I don't actually know what that is, assuming DH bike, but all the 15yo's seem to be enchanted by them and think its the best thing since sliced bread. Now I have nothing against Giant, I think they make decent bikes at a price. So this Giant plus anything hi end Specialzed, they yongers seem to go all drooly at and therefore future 'classics" (even though I would NEVER EVER liek that to happen)
whatever is flavour of the month in todays MBUK will again be flavour of the month in 15 years time when todays 1st pint ordering yoof have a beer gut, ugly wife and 3 kids has a pang of nostaligia at some mint Kona Stuff in a bike rack (next to the hover bikes and Psi-trikes).
Great pinball discussion :) I think it hi lights some things that are debatable as to what a retrobike is today. Is it price, rarity, niche, teen fantasy, ride quality? All different things to different folks, and with the multitude of different bikes/riding these days predicting what will be retro will be very hard. FWIW I don't think it'l be Spesh/Giant/Trek/et al and I'll put forward the Evil Sovereign.


p.s. I also think carbon repairs won't be far off.
legrandefromage":15k1w594 said:
whatever is flavour of the month in todays MBUK will again be flavour of the month in 15 years time when todays 1st pint ordering yoof have a beer gut, ugly wife and 3 kids has a pang of nostaligia at some mint Kona Stuff in a bike rack (next to the hover bikes and Psi-trikes).

:LOL: Spot on!

As a side note, I don't think quality/rarity is the issue really. Kona Lava Domes seem to have quite a following, I'd have laughed about that 15 years ago. I reckon it's all to do with personal experience and the oh-so mysterious 'cool' factor ;)
hey kaiser,
thats a nice looking frame !! ihavnt seen one of those before.. what year is it ?
so on another note what about storcks ? anyone think they will keep there value ? or even go up in value ?
magicmistertea":11givfuo said:
so on another note what about storcks ? anyone think they will keep there value ? or even go up in value ?

Aluminum? maybe
NOS carbon? maybe. If it's been ridden or had things mounted to it, there could be miniscule cracks and who knows how those will hold up after 20 years?

I really like Storck and their engineering, quality, & design. I just don't trust the longevity yet of carbon fiber.
Time will tell on whether carbon will stand the test of time and last well enough to be the material of future retro bikes ... I remember reading suggestions about the life expectancy of Aluminium bitd ...
magicmistertea":siltn0jc said:
hey kaiser,
thats a nice looking frame !! ihavnt seen one of those before.. what year is it ?
so on another note what about storcks ? anyone think they will keep there value ? or even go up in value ?

Quite a recent one last couple of years anyway. :)