Retrobike Touring.

Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Good to see you've got your 1st day completed in one piece but your gonna have to get something to settle that wind issue :LOL: ..
Re: Retro MTB Touring.


Wonderfully liberating. Burnt my truss and everything. Picked up necessary supplies from farms etc on way. And a tin of corned beef for hash. More pics on my return. Severn bridge tomorrow. In this wind.

This thread makes me very happy

Just need my knee to heal.. so likely i'll plan a trip in spring.

Thm the bike is awesome
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

The History Man":b2nsersi said:
Yep. Frame arrived Thursday. Sluvly.

On Saturday:


That sure is purdy. The sloped top tube certainly makes it look less 'boxy' than most tall bikes.

Well done for taking the plunge into cycle touring solo, it is quite addictive.

Respect due for managing the health issues as well.

Hope tomorrow is a bit calmer for you thm, give us a ride report of the new bike too!

Morning. Drizzling but less wind. The bike is fantastic even loaded. Gearing plenty for Cleeve hill etc when I nipped out last night for bread and milk (about8m) felt like a thoroughbred. Up to Tintern today