Sorry my pictures aren't very good, I didn't have room for my proper camera and my crisps. So I left my camera at home. Then I saw a Kingfisher
in the River Aire in Leeds town centre while I was waiting for Marc Two Tone! But I didn't have my camera...
Hope Valley is a gorgeous place, I always forget how nice the Peak District is. We got there a tad late so we had to park down a side street, which turned out to be the best place because the street we chose was some kind of muster point for pert cheeked girls of on some kind of Sixth Form D of E expedition.
I was surprised there was so many people, 56 is a huge turnout and at least 50 must have been on proper bikes.There was some gorgeous machinery and for my money the bike of the ride was the gorgeous day-glow Cinelli.
Been awarded the Monkey of Hope [Note Charlieboy28's photo of me lucking smug and worshipping it on my knees!] on my first Peaks ride for climbing the big hill to the radio mast was a real achievement, although DSP insisted that I carry it, so I had to eat all my crisps so that he'd fit in my bag. Lucky I'd left my camera at home afterall otherwise there really would have been no room.
The ride down Bradwell Edge was a bit hairy, especially after 40 other riders had ploughed down it before, a sledge would have been the best thing for me to ride. Mindfull of falling of and smashing the Monkey of Hope [Surely the end of Retrobike, like Ravens leaving the Tower of London?] I walked most of it, but managed to climb back on and ride whenever I spotted a camera, these things matter!
Great Beer in the car park afterwoulds, Spencer is very generous and he must have driven very slowly so as not to agitate the keg,.
For the jumblesale I tried to do "Lady-shopping" [Touch as many objects as possible without buying anything] but I succumbed. Who did I buy those Sugino Impel cranks from, I need to give you feedback?
Thanks for the gents for organising it and to someone who shall remain nameless for explaining what docking is, yes I did think it was just chopping off puppy-dog's tails :shock:
Just about the only cameraphone pic that worked.
Mr K trying to pull a wheely in an elastic environment.
P.S that farmer who tried telling us that we weren't on the bridleway was wrong, because I've checked on my Ordnance Survey map, the Eejit!