Retro bike site influence!!!

I know your pain..... last week I joined the site, this week I bought my 1st retro bike... and as for next week..... :shock: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
After a year or so on the site I feel like I've calmed down a bit although I do have 3 retro Orange's on the go. :cool:

Introduced beavis and giant-one to the site and am enjoying seeing them buy more and more retro goodies ;) :LOL: :LOL:
I joined in march after finding my old proflex at the back of the Garage, then dug out my old Kona, at the moment my son and his family are staying with us between houses and he's caught the retro bug and has brought a clockwork orange frame from brocklanders023 and now is boring his wife (who is not the least bit intrested) :cry: with tails of his previous life as a mountain bike racer and what hes going to do to his new frame bah!bah! :roll: and whats worse I'm getting the blame, and now I have found out that some of my posts are him not me, he's joining soon he says..........
came on here with a single bike and within 6 months i have been through 12 or so bikes.......and spent.......well its in 5 figures easy :oops:

on the plus side, i have had the time of my life, met some great folk, ridden great bikes and been on some awesome retro rides.

long may it continue!
cce":1b5l8dmb said:
you all need to stop and reconnect with the bikes you actually ride....

Ride, what's that? :? :? :LOL:

Must admit that I went a bit daft so have trimmed back to a couple of riders and a project.
Back in 94 I turned my back on Mountain Biking and vowed never to return.... Earlier this year my company signed up on the "Bikes for Work" scheme, OOoo Look at all that lovely stuff and I can have it at half price.... A new Orange P7 lands on my doorstep.
Then I find this site... And by Monday I should have a 98 Clockwork for the wife.... Here we go again....