
^^^^ that is a bit unfair.

What proportion of cars on the road are Ford Escorts or cars with carbs and non electronic ignition? I reckon less than 1 %.

Modern cars, i.e. less than 10 years old, will have on board computer so the garage monkeys plug into the diagostic port and the the computers tell them what is wrong and what to replace. Very little skill and thinking is required, wich is a good job as people are becoming stupider.

What is the incentive for the GMs to learn about old cars that they will very rarely seen? It's like working in a electrical retailers and needing to know how to repair a limelight or in a garage and knowing about steam engines. Pointless.

If you cannot set the timing or adjsut the misture, then you should not be owning such an antiquated car.
I don't think it's unfair, perhaps not realistic to expect the modern mechanics (most) to know what a mechanical thing does rather than an electronical thing

tis the times they are a changing

For my modern car the local garage does really well, change oil, totate tyres and plug some thing in that tells them they have a facebook update from cindy whilst changing my filter :D

we are old farts but we are old farts who have seen change. When I was kinder the beatles were in, 78's, 45's and 33's were the weekly entertainment and tv was had by the rich people

the only change i've really been puzzled by is when we were at school we were taught history back and beyond days you ask a modern thing about say..henry the 8th and suddenly it seems to be ..derrr that was before my time, how would I know that?

we are or are becoming old farts and as such we will do as our parents did , complain about the youth and the only difference I can see is that were we learnt from hands on experienc,e the moderns think they have knowledge through experience but confuse this with information to hand
02gf74":1n3holc4 said:
^^^^ that is a bit unfair.

What proportion of cars on the road are Ford Escorts or cars with carbs and non electronic ignition? I reckon less than 1 %.

Modern cars, i.e. less than 10 years old, will have on board computer so the garage monkeys plug into the diagostic port and the the computers tell them what is wrong and what to replace. Very little skill and thinking is required, wich is a good job as people are becoming stupider.

What is the incentive for the GMs to learn about old cars that they will very rarely seen? It's like working in a electrical retailers and needing to know how to repair a limelight or in a garage and knowing about steam engines. Pointless.

If you cannot set the timing or adjsut the misture, then you should not be owning such an antiquated car.


Didn't he write Vienna?

If he came into my garage I would certainly tell him to do his own mixes. He seems to have some skill at turning out a hit.

On the rare occasion I venture into a bike shop, I expect a basic level of knowledge from the sales assistants as well as the techs.

If they are clueless then I certainly won't be waiting to find out how bad the techs are.

BITD, as many here will remember, working in a bike shop was an honour.

If it is now just a case of a job is a job is a job, then it is no surprise they are struggling.

If I took an older car to a garage I would certainly still expect someone to be able to check a carb and dizzy. It is not rocket science, and still part of the training to be a mechanic. (AFIK.)
Even my car has an on board computer, diagnostics, ABS, airbags and fuel injection. It was offered at the same time as the outgoing MKII Escort.

Bad analogy.

Bikes with cantilevers can still be bought brand new so why is too much to ask to have someone know how to set them up or to offer correct pads? The majority of bikes sold are still 'conventional' - its nothing to do with being old or obsolete.
My MK2 Escort post was intended in a lighthearted way and was not disparaging of young people at all, just a situational reality many of us can relate to. The guy who says "a bit unfair" goes on to call mechanics "monkeys" and that they are becoming "stupider", which is actually offensive, incorrect and uncalled for. It is not true that modern cars fix themselves, the fault codes are often useful but are also often red herrings and there are countless situations for which fault codes do not exist. Many young mechanics (cars and bikes) are bright and dedicated, they just might not be familiar with old technology that's all. Like teens these days who don't understand why we old gits "dial" a phone number - they never dialed any number in their lives, they just press little buttons. I do think though that showing an interest in the heritage of one's trade is a sign of deeper interest and enthusiasm for the subject. Like Wiggo who knows about Anquetil, Gaul and Simpson while many riders couldn't care less. It's impressive when a tradesman respects his field enough to have a complete insight.
Footnote: This soapbox is handy, i can use it to balance while tighting my toe straps :LOL:
I hate my lbs. All they are interested in is selling you a new bike. Took mine in for a front mech adjustment. After they had royally screwed it up, they told me it was nackard and needed replacing. They then told me no one makes Braze on front mechs anymore and I should buy a proper bike. Oh and they would would waver the fee.

I had to push the bike home after riding it there and spent 20 mins putting it right. I now works better than it has in a long while. :LOL:
A quick note about canti blocks. Jobes in Hull had some xt blocks a month or so ago I think around the £16 with spare pads.
You must have a pretty well modded MK2 Escort if you need the carbs balancing as they used a single or compound downdraft, not multiple carbs (unless of course you're lucky enough to own a BDA engined ex rally car). if the dwell is within spec then the points don't need adjusting as the gap is what creates the dwell angle.
Not trying to be offensive but if you ran a Mk2 Escort then I doubt you'd be taking it to somewhere that doesn't have a knowledge of older vehicles but as far as bikes go the changes over the last 20 years are nowhere near as radical and most of the older technology is still in regular use today so the "bike mechanic" should know how it works .
PS I run a small garage specialising in "older cars" and customer service and broad knowledge is the only way to keep customers and in doing so make a living (just).
Firstly I am not calling mechanics monkeys but "grease monkeys" which as far as I know, is not derogatory:

from the web (so it must be true :) )
grease monkey
— n
informal a mechanic, esp one who works on cars or aircraft

Secondly I did not say mechanics are getting stupider, it is the whole yoof of today that is, most of these without qualifications will end up working as mechanics at yer local kwikfit, halfords etc. And don't tell me that they are not due to getting A and A* in GSCEs or whatever them exams is called, that is due by simplifying the questions.

.... anyway, this is digressing from the subject.
Matthews":1sxyacbh said:
You must have a pretty well modded MK2 Escort if you need the carbs balancing as they used a single or compound downdraft, not multiple carbs (unless of course you're lucky enough to own a BDA engined ex rally car). if the dwell is within spec then the points don't need adjusting as the gap is what creates the dwell angle.
Not trying to be offensive but if you ran a Mk2 Escort then I doubt you'd be taking it to somewhere that doesn't have a knowledge of older vehicles but as far as bikes go the changes over the last 20 years are nowhere near as radical and most of the older technology is still in regular use today so the "bike mechanic" should know how it works .
PS I run a small garage specialising in "older cars" and customer service and broad knowledge is the only way to keep customers and in doing so make a living (just).

I owned a Vauxhall Vectra with throttle bodies, it was a 4 hour round trip to Birmingham to get them balanced / tuned. I wouldn't have used anywhere else as they wouldn't have had a clue about it. (specific software needed too)