Recommend a Cannondale headshok service resource

I’m sure you’ll give it a go, but the damper in mine was well a truly stuck and no amount of taping it with a punch was going to budge it. If you decide to buy a castle nut tool you’ll need to check which damper you’ve got as that’ll dictate which tool to use.

Could this be why they’ve got a bad reputation? Without the right tools it’s either impossible or such a horrible experience you don’t want to do it again…

Regular servicing something that needs to be done, therefore you might want to spend a little now to protect your investment.
IMG_4226.webp IMG_4227.webp
Wow, I presumed it would be a straight forward job. Just want to strip it, clean, and rebuild.

I've not rode the bike yet and never had a headshok bike, so I have no idea if it's working as it should.

If I push the bars down the shop moves. The adjustment knob doesn't seem to lock the thing out (if that's it's job)
Have you tried pulling the shock boot down away from the head-tube to try and see the condition of the bottom of the needle bearings and races?