really need help i have no idea - dads raleigh record ace 1989

hi everyone thanks so much for your help - ive now taken a few pics of what i hope are the important bits! the bike has bnot yet been cleaned to has dust and sawdust on it still! -Not even sure if this is relevant to dating the bike but he listed the frame number WB3001113


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PS also just found in his book the purchase from new was 21/3/1985 - £199.95 so managed to date it!!!
Raleigh Record Ace built February 1983 more than likely at the Nottingham Lightweight Unit, sounds like it was hanging around in a shop for a while, nicely built Raleigh.
That'll clean up nicely - obviously the frame has a few marked areas, but it's still a lot better than many that are out there, plus it still has mainly original parts, which helps a lot. Price wise I'd say you're looking at £150-£200 for a relatively easy sale - which really isn't much for a nicely built bike like that, but it's about what they tend to fetch.
From the Raleigh 1983 Catalogue...The only difference from the catalogue spec is the Brooks Professional saddle that you dad has fitted which is a top quality upgrade 👍

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When you do sell it, it's worth mentioning it's got a rather nice Brooks saddle, which is a definite upgrade from the original it came with.
A bit of elbow grease and evapo rust ,degrease from screw fix and some chain lub. It will be well worth your time ⌚ and effort. Road end to end on one long time ago . lovely angles on the frame