1992 Mercian King of Mercia

Not much progress I'm afraid as awaiting a longer bottom bracket and working out how to sleeve the recessed brake mounts to take the bolted Mafacs. Am looking at using a couple of the pivot sleeves from a set of Mafacs. Beats just using a couple of washers as per normal :)
Had a photo on my camera that was low light but shows the paint better.


DSC_0002 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0001 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Can't believe it has been nearly 12 months and I haven't got this built back up yet.
I keep partially building it, then debating on a certain part then dismantling and putting away. I have got a couple of projects on the go but I really do want to build this up and use it again as my everyday rider.
Pulled it out the loft and checked it over and have now decided to put some Tektro sidepulls on it rather than the recently fitted Mafacs. Took a couple of pictures as it still looked nice even on a dull day :)


IMG_3282 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_3290 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_3289 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_3291 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Hi Tommy
I haven't put the KOM completely back together yet, was still faffing building my other wheels for it. Got too distracted by other projects and riding my Jack Taylor and other KOM. Will hopefully finish it off in the next couple of weeks.
I have the B135's on another of my bikes and I really like them, seem to suite my builds nicely. I also run B136 on my Jack Taylor and I find that now I prefer these as I don't spend much time on the drops and the drops are not as deep on the 136 and also the top of the 136 is slightly wider. Saying that, I am looking forward to getting this one back on the road as it is such a sweet ride.

Thanks for that Jamie. I'm currently debating between B135s or 136 or possibly even the 177 Noodles. I'm used to having about 140-160mm of drop, so going to the randonneur style might be a bit of a shock. When doing gravel/ rough stuff do you find the flare on the drops any use?

On my modern Surly Long Haul Trucker I use On One Midge bars which are a modern dirt drop and they are really comfortable. It’s only after thinking about your post that I don’t really remember being on the drops on the dirt or gravel. Only a few times when pushing on when on more dirt roads, usually on the hoods or tops. While the Mercian has seen a bit of dirt and gravel it’s been ridden accordingly and never pushed too hard.
With the Nitto I think I mixed them up earlier as the 135 has the narrower top, shallower drop but noticeably more flare on the drops, due to the narrower top. This is why I maybe prefer the 136 with the wider top but for mine are both 42cm so are comparable and there is only about 10mm difference on the drop and about the same with reach which makes them feel different. I prefer 136 these days but still like the 135 and both are my preferred bars over anything else.
Planet X has 135 on pre order for £29 minus a 30% discount for this week. I have just ordered a 136 myself.
Hope this helps in some way.

That is helpful, might start a thread on it in the retro classic road forum rather than hijacking your build thread.

Hopefully this gets finished soon, it's such a nice paint job!