Raleigh Eclat build

Racing versus touring. The Royal has a longer wheelbase, a slightly more relaxed geometry and more room for tyres and mudguards. It is the more versatile of the two, and with its 531 main triangle I rate it a bit higher than the 501 Record Sprint.

That said, the JPS style Record Sprint would probably be the better hipster's choice.
Yeah lots of gold is a must….

I’ve just seen a bit more local a Raleigh royal touring in good condition.

Thoughts on the two compared?

The Royal is a great bike but if you want to go single speed make sure it is the earlier 531 frame with horizontal dropouts not the later 708 with vertical which would require a chain tensioner, the Royal probably has more tyre clearance.
It’s a 531 seems in pretty good condition and is about 30 miles away as opposed to the record sprint which is about 90 miles away but looks in better condition. Argh this is tricky
Also gentlemen, what bike specific tools will I need? I have all the generic tools like spanner’s, Allen keys and adjustable etc.

I’m picking up the unknown Raleigh Friday eve and will post pics maybe one of you guys can identify it I just know it’s a 501 frame

Cheers for your help
A set of plastic tyre levers and a decent quality multi tool.

Other than that it's hard to say without having more information on the bike(s) and the work that needs to be done.

My advice would be to not buy any tools until you actually know what you need and when you need them.
Okie doke my concern was removing cranks etc

Excellent example. While most cranks require a 22mm puller, older Stronglight and T.A. cranks require different sizes. And cottered cranks use a different technique altogether.

So wait until you know what cranks you're dealing with, then get the correct tools.
That’s probably the best idea! Any ideas what model this is?


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update so after being messed about red collection of the record race I’ve decided against it. Picked up the “unknown” Raleigh above and it’s way too big for the mrs. It rides well and is in good condition with two brand new gator skin tyres which are worth more than what I paid.

Now the nerd in me needs to know what model it is. Theres some frame number under the bottom bracket one I can see has no letters just numbers and the other is covered by the protective plate that the shifter cable runs over.

Reynolds 531 frame with internal cable routing on the top tube and Shimano RX-100 components.

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