Raleigh Dyna Tech appreciation and information thread

Dynatechrider":3r276ebi said:
A Merry Christmas to all of you. Best regards from Mainhatten

Happy New year, hope you had a good one...

I've just bought a Torus XT with Trimnell fork and also an Ogre... in the same week!! Believe me when I say, the addiction is STRONG (i'm also now largely skint for a while)! I now have a 6 strong family of Dynas... poss going for most high-end Raleighs collected ay haha!

I might be being a bit lazy here but can't find anything online about this. Why do some Dynatechs have a Dynatech headbadge rather than the Raleigh Heron?

I remember it first on the Torus, just assumed it was a bit of simple rebranding. Trying to distinguish the higher end models from the lumps like the Activator.

Edit: The first Dyna-Tech's in 1990 still had the Raleigh branding first (downtube decal) with the Dyna-Tech secondary. From 1991 the Dyna-Tech branding was starting to take over with the only reference to the Raleigh brand being the head badge. I think I'm right in saying this continued to the early Torus frames but around 94-95 they switched to the Dyna-Tech decal on the headtube (with a small heron in the corner of that decal).
All my 92/93 UK Dynas have the heron headbadge and then Dyna logo down the downtube. My 93 Purple Torus has Dyna head decal. I think the head badges changed for Dynas around 94 and then in came M-Trax as they did away with Dyna branding...
Pretty much, yes. My first torus had a heron headbadge. Second as well. Third had the Torus branding.

Not sure what they put on the second one when it got repainted.
mattr":1e2krpwx said:
Pretty much, yes. My first torus had a heron headbadge. Second as well. Third had the Torus branding.

Not sure what they put on the second one when it got repainted.

Interesting you should say this as I was always under the impression that my Torus was one of the first, its a purple D-Reg from 1993 (according to the BB serial stamp). I've actually built it up with the 94 XT M737 groupset though as I really like its function/8 speed.
TBH, having been round the build and assembly areas, i'd not be at all surprised if the beginning/end of each model year/range had an overlap of weeks to months while old stock labels were used up!

Not to mention that unusual sizes might sit on a rack for several months and anything remotely custom might have been built up from a stock frame. Also on a shelf for months.
Mine was a 1991 Dyna Tech Sentinel (with Heron)... which debonded in 1995 and was subsequently warrantied/replaced with a 1995 ti tubing (M-Trax) model (resprayed to sentinel colours) and has the heron.
Mahoney1978":gz35x0nr said:
Mine was a 1991 Dyna Tech Sentinel (with Heron)... which debonded in 1995 and was subsequently warrantied/replaced with a 1995 ti tubing (M-Trax) model (resprayed to sentinel colours) and has the heron.

I love how Raleigh used to paint up newer frames to look like the one they had replaced, that's dedication for you - if it were me you'd just get the modern replacement as easier I guess.

I've got a Sentinel waiting for me to collect later this month, green one, can't wait to add it to the ever growing collection :)