Raleigh Activator I / II appreciation thread

If you love her just go and weigh it in a buy her something reasonable
😂 I know, the trouble is neither of us have anywhere to store our bikes so we're stuck with padlocking them to lamp-posts on the streets of brighton and anything that looks semi-decent would eventually get stolen.

Anyway since I posted that, I've replaced the kicked-in wheel, and the brake pads (which I think were original and fossilised into some kind of rock), and the brake levers (the plastic levers were so bad you could feel them bending while also not putting enough force into the brakes). It's now usable and she loves it.
Its not fair to make a girl use an Activator, or anyone for that matter.
I rode my one once or twice, i can actually wheelie it, but then someone shouted "thats sht!!" at me.
so i have carefully put a 70cc engine on it, careful to mount it softly as possible so not to damge the paintwork.
the heavy stock wheels are so heavy like moped rims, and they bend so easily, they will have to go.
ebay has a reasonable deal on a new 26 inch rear wheel.
I fished this one out of the river this summer, not sure if it’s an Activator but it was heavy enough, the river was the best place for it


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The river is not the best place for them, they are navigation hazards that can ground a 25 tonne barge. Mid Atlantic at the deepest part of the ocean where its so dark most life forms are blind and they can't see something more hideous than themselves, that's where they should be consigned.
you lot do know that scrap steel is bought by weight don't you? you are all there bitching about how heavy an activator is, yet you don't seem to realise you are sat on a retirement plan. :p
Retirement plan or not, do not sit on them. Carbon footprint of taking them to scrappy will be higher as well as costs as extra weight needs extra fuel to shift thus cancelling out cash per ton.