races BITD which south west ones did you do


I used to race in the CMBC series for cycle necleus ( aka wyatts cycles).
ive got a load of plastic trophies somewhere ( well a few !!) .....
i cant remember the name of all the locations but , Kit Hill, Dunmere woods errr ummmm it was a long time ago and i was only 11-14 years old when i was racing so i just sat in a car and got driven there !! :LOL: hence me not remembering all the race names.
I do remember there was a really good vibe at the cornish races thou,
I also visited newham park to spectate a worlds race, not sure of the year but i remember hans ray bunny hopping on and off a car !!! :cool:
Aye-the 'Quantock Quest' and the 'Quantock Quiver'; when TF wore pink! Bicycle Action was yer main mag and John Stevensons voice could be heard over...well most things really!! Shared a B&B with Simon Baker and Alan Gladwin; where are they now? :D
Yeah plenty of races back in the day down this way.......

Ashcombe always had a good series - remember getting 'smoked' by Gump a few times there! :oops:
There were loads of races at Woodbury, both winter and summer which were normally won by a certain blonde haired g1t on here! :twisted:

And there was a series in Muddiford (Nr Barnstaple) run by 'No Sweat' i think - this was really good fun.

Also there were races at an estate out the back of Buckfastleigh but i can't remember who ran these - Gump, Hardtail, Tiboltrider - any ideas? - brutal course from what i remember.

Then there were always the big events - Blandford (NPS i think or maybe SAMS) and of course the World Cup at Newnham.

The good old days................... :cry:
Simod - the races near Ashburton were run by On-a-bike in Newton Abbot.
They were great tracks, but I always found them really hard-going!
Used to love Ashcombe & Woodbury races - it seemed like there was always a race somewhere locally at the weekend!

Over xmas I found a results sheet from an Ashcombe winter series, mid-ninties but can't remember what exactly what year it is - I'll get that scanned and stick it on here, may make painfull reading ... lol!

Muddiford? Was that in North Devon? I vaguely remember it....South Moulton? Or am I talking bollox...?
Yeah Muddiford is North Devon, it was just past Barnstaple from what i remember.
I'm sure it was a bike shop called 'No Sweat' that ran them, who i believe were in Barnstaple - I'm not sure if they are still there?

Ashcombe results - oooh might be messy! :oops:
Ashcombe valley
Kit Hill
Tavistock Woodlands
Shire Horse Centre
Coombe Valley
Newnham, biggies and small ones
Woodbury Common (CX really, so cash prizes :) )
Blandford Forum
etc.. sure theres more just cant think

Used to be a race every weekend. Great times. Know everyone. Beat most ;)

i have just found the results from the 1995 onabike trophy series lurking at the bottom of a draw upstairs.
Post those results!
On-a-bike series?? Hmmm
On second thoughts, don't post them....

Totti1978 - DNF!!

theres pages of them just give me your full name and i will give your results and your overall points result and position
i raced round the south west between 89 -95 doing most of the races and NEMBA and BMBF doing X/C and D/H used to ride for Paignton Cycles and Been Bag/Dave Yates .Used to ride Oranges and Dave Yates D.O.N.K.I.S N.O.B for X/C and had an Iron Horse and GT LTS for D/H with disc drives .They were great days . Miss it a lot . After a 10 year break i want to get back in the saddle.