Public sector strikes on Wednesday

Good use of selective quotes? I quoted the whole thing at the top of the post without editing, it's all in there. After I clearly stated my plan is to provide for myself you've told me that my plan is "to make no effort to save for my future". What's your justification for that statement please?

Selective quotes are one thing - completly ignoring what's there in black and white is quite another.
I think shop-bought cakes are alright actually, and good value for money.

It's a lot of work to produce anything like that, home-made, so you might as well save yourself the hassle and buy one from a shop.
BTW.. did you know that if you use private healthcare you can't use the NHS? I didn't know that till recently.
Scougar":1ebj3gv2 said:
apache":1ebj3gv2 said:
I went from 24 years in public sector (MoD) to 5 years now in private sector. I did really well in my T&Cs and pension in the public sector, and now don't do so well on either of those in the private sector.

However, I don't (and never really did) believe that my taxes in the private sector should fund the pensions of my oppos in MoD (and the rest of the public sector).

Suck it up folks, it's time to face reality - you've done better than the private sector since the year dot - and now you're being asked to accept parity.

lol, perhaps you should not have those services that you think you shouldn't have to pay for then eh?

i.e. [sarcasm]I don't want the troops to be in the war.. so can I have some money back please? I don't use a car, can I have some money back please? I don't use public services, can I have some money back please?[/sarcasm]. So yes, If you want to fund a system, you have to fund all of it.

Incidently... as I said before... as my public sector company makes hundreds of millions* for the treasury.. perhaps we should not bother giving it back to the treasury, and just give out massive bonus's.. because that's what the private sector does right? Surely that's the right thing to do and all, since you wonderful people all want to advocate the private sector? Surely instead you should be asking why a massive profit is being made from the public and allowed to go into funding the government? They won't tackle that.. because it goes direct to government.. but as soon as they can see 'reduced' costs... and just have to make people pay more.. they'll do it. Perhaps you'll also see why this is NOTHING to do with reducing pension and making them more affordable but allowing the gov to get more money to spend.

Lastly.. year dot? The private sector had good pension upto around the 90's... and then private employed got screwed, whilst the gov stood by and let them do it. So no, it isn't "year dot" at all.. it's just year dot from your perspective of working in the private sector.

(* : It's not millions at present, we are just breaking even.. but the point still stands for when the economy picks up again).

Ahem, I worked in the public sector from 1985 to 2007 - probably counts as 'year dot' in my lifetime.

I don't recall suggesting I only want to pay for services I want either, or even inferring it (the army one is a poor one to pick in my case as I've worked in defence - public sector and private sector - for 26 years or so ;) ). What I don't want to do is see MY tax used to subsidise someone elses pension MORE than anyone elses. That patently isn't fair.

Anyway - this all by the by. The important problem I need to deal with is sourcing a 3DV spider for my Middleburns! :D
apache>> I was saying you didn't experience a 'good' pension in the PRIVATE sector.. not the other way around! I fully appreciate you were MoD before hand, and I think we all except that the MoD is even one step beyond the civil service anyway! ;-)

On the military theme.. I remember driving (racing) a harrier jet as it was taking off with my Dad at RAF Yeovilton as a kid.. Awesome :-D