Public sector strikes on Wednesday

brocklanders023":3batapb5 said:
Neil":3batapb5 said:
MikeD":3batapb5 said:
I am not doing this now but I am still young. As soon as I can afford to I will start a decent pension.
I'd suggest starting now. The longer you leave it, the less time you have and the more you have to put in. It doesn't actually get very much more affordable :/
Indeed - for those I've experienced who don't pay into pensions, tomorrow never comes.

In my opinion you have to start from the outset (yes, I accept, when you're earning peanuts) and view it like tax - otherwise, you never will until it's too late.

I think some people start out with some ambitious plans about how they're going to provide - some kind of savings or investments they're gonna do, later on in their career, when they've got a lot more disposable income. Problem is, it just disappears from their radar.

Exactly the point rumble seems to miss. If he doesn't get sorted (and I hope he does) he will expect the tax payer to look after him. he does not seem to grasp this.

Not at all, try reading my statements again. You know, the ones where I say I don't expect anything from the state and that i'll be providing for myself. Oh, and the ones where I say I realise the fact that I can't save now means i'll work longer and contribute more at the back end of my career. I can't help but feel you're deliberately missing these points, given how simply i've stated them.
My peneth worth is this.........seriously....the dinosaurs were around for milloions of years.....we have been around for a blink of an is always and WILL always move ahead a pace, what we thought our forfathers had has (in reality) nothing to do with what we should or expect to have, technology and legislation pushes our lives faster and futher all the time..this isn't the sixties or seventies or eighties etc......(salad days).....the idea of safe pensions is nostalia......................god knows there are enough resourses in the world to feed and make everybody happy in the world if WE all wanted it, sadly GREED rules us and not many people will do you a favour (pensions included) unless it benefits them more and more.

It's a very fast past changing world and personally I don't like it. It could be so different if only the people in control were more like some on this forum , who are mostly kind and will go out of there way to make someone else happy.........................and no I ain't a hippy..........peace all :D
Rumble> With your plan you assume that you will be able to afford to pay a significantly higher rate for a pension later on. What happens if you can't afford it? You'll end up costing the government to look after you effectively... which would cost more than you having had a naff pension in the first place.

And don't do the "I give up.. for the last time" thing... I'm suggesting that your plan may not work out, and you might be forced to look for an alternative.

Additionally, if all these pensions are reduced, longer term it will cost the government to look after all these public sector workers because they don't have a pension that was adequate. Cunning that it's never mentioned eh!

Lastly... don't forget that one of the reasons that pension are no longer 'affordable' (they actually are, but let's not get into that), is because the gov (Mr. Brown) used the ring fenced money that they were meant to invest BAILING OUT PRIVATE COMPANIES.

Frankly, THEY should be having a pay freeze and be asked to pay double for their pensions as well. (Disclosure: I have no idea if they are/will).
lol, yes.. funny how it was gonna cause £500m worth of chaos BEFORE the strike, and now it's a "Damp Squib" AFTER. Perfectly spun by the gov ;-)

Let's be real clear... it's not public sector workers fault that private sector has awful/expensive or no pensions. Was chap own the news who owned his own business that didn't have a pension. I can see his side, but at the end of the day a gov job is just like working for a REALLY big company, you get the benefit of that.. and when you work for yourself you don't. Next he'll be having a pop at IBM or Tesco, and how dare they even have pensions.. because he doesn't. (A bit harsh, but you can hopefully see where I'm coming from).
"Was chap own the news who owned his own business that didn't have a pension".

Wrong. He had CHOSEN not to contribute to a pension. ;)
Scougar":3333i9r0 said:
lat the end of the day a gov job is just like working for a REALLY big company,
No it's not.

Scougar":3333i9r0 said:
Next he'll be having a pop at IBM or Tesco, and how dare they even have pensions.
No he won't. Whatever businesses do with their money is a matter for them, their staff and their shareholders, nobody else.

It's the fact this is public money which gives people a right to question it. We can choose not to shop in Tesco, we can't choose not to pay our income tax.