Poor quality work?

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Fair points but that does explain the bad attitude and unforgiving nature. As i say to my 7ys old, politeness costs nothing. An unwillingness to resolve issues indicates poor customer service and really, nowadays we are past the Faulty Towers mentality.

Not much annoys me (apart from my current pedal issues! LOL) but a bad attitude and lack of willingness to help really sticks in my craw (and other expletive expressions).

Recently I had a small problem with a product supplied by Planet X, I contacted them and the item was replaced within 2 or 3 days. No problem, they were really superb and I would be willing to pay slightly more to get an item from them an the basis that they were so good. My expectation was it would have been a hassle but they were absolutely fantastic - I cannot praise them enough. (i will add i do not work for them and don't have any relations there either).


I make my living as a salesman and have done for over 30 years. I am as amazed by poor attitudes towards customers as you are, and having dealt face to face with Argos in Bristol and seen their attention to detail and the forms that they fill out, and incidentally which they copy to the customer, I find it equally hard to understand why anyone feels that being rude and abrupt is going to be helpful or considered appropriate / professional.

Anything that is manufactured is subject to failure, I have been there a number of times, both as supplier and customer, it is the way that failure is dealt with that tells you all about the company you are dealing with.

I don't know how this particular situation can be resolved, but if it were me, I would write a letter laying out the evidence against, what I want, when I want it and the consequences of not complying.

I was recently owed a refund of several hundred pounds, the matter went back and forth a few times and finally I threatened to start winding up proceedings against the company. I got my cheque within days.

We are in agreement. It is amazing that attitude is vitally important to repeat business - you would think that suppliers/salespeople/companies would have worked this out by now.

I like the idea of the letter.

I'm sure some may have noticed the thread in chat in the 97 section about the very same thing. It seems a worrying trend
My friends brand new GIOS frame arrived with s severely scraped seat stay, despite the packaging being mint,
so the frame must have already have been damaged before it was boxed up, he phoned and complained
he was told to send the frame back and they will cover the costs of the return postage, frame sent back and
two months later he has it back repair done and he is happy, that was until he noticed they had NOT put the
Gios Compact decal on the stay and in direct sunlight you can clearly see where the old blue meets up with the
new blue, he never contacted them again nor' would he deal with the shop again.

The below photo shows where the 'gios compact' should be but isn't and used to be there :?


What is the black arrow type thing stuck to the rear tyre? Have you injuns over there?

Well, if you don't have injuns you seem to have a load of cowboys!!!!!

I am easily amused!

Mercian did a great job on my Scapin. I applied the transfers myself though (not paying them an extra 40 quid when I can do it myself)



As a matter of interest, how did you feel about Mercian's attitude to you as a customer?

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