
So, umm, [/coughs], where were we? Oh yes of course :). My experiences with the police have always been pleasant. I've met them when drunk and happy and disorderly. I've been witness to crimes and guilty of a couple too. What I have found is, as with most things , you get put what you put in. I was brought up with a healthy fear and respect of the police. The occasions that I have dealt with them I have always spoken to them with respect and honesty and in return they have always treated me the same. This includes twice being stopped for driving well in excess of the posted speed limits, yet having passed the 'attitude test' I have been sent away having suffered merely a stern talking to.

Perhaps this is an attitude people should use more in. Life
highlandsflyer":221n7aw6 said:
Neil":221n7aw6 said:
Just think about your discussion here - and those that object to it here - do you imagine that is magically unrepresentative of the rest of society?
You are talking about a handful of people at best. Far too small a sample to be relevant.
Out of all I wrote, and that's the one thing you take issue with?

Damn, I lose my bet...

But as far as that point goes - from what I read, there tends to be a fairly broad spectrum of people who post here, and post to topics like this - do you imagine that magically, somehow, has some disparate absence in representation in the rest of society? How so? Why would that be?
Back to the topic? the police became worse the minute they lower the standards and also tried to force communities into that have very little wish to join it.

removing the height specification, lowering the entry level for ethnic candidates, making it more about university education than street level common sense.

I have friends who joined in the early 80's who can't wait to get out.
What good is it reflecting the ethnic make up if the local community if they couldn't catch a cold? In my experience people couldn't care less what colour the officers are when they arrive, just so long as they're competent.

Any other employer would hire the best scientist, computer programmer, designer or race driver for the job. That is simply not the prime consideration for the dibble and is a noteworthy contributor towards the ills if the moder Farce. If not enough gays, ethnic or religious minorities are suitably qualified then that's a social issue that should be addressed at source, not papered over at point of service delivery.

Conversely, the NHS are over represented in these areas compared to the national demographic. Why no policies there to even it out? It's not that there's a problem with police recruitment from these sectors, but more the case that many of these cultures see other professions such as law or medicine as something worthwhile to aspire to.

There's simply insufficient emphasis on recruiting and retaining the most talented staff. Join the dibble and there's a tiny chance you might make Chief Constable on £130k a year, whereas become a GP and it's pretty much guaranteed you'll be earning that sort of sum by the time you're 45.

The Government are trying to force square legs into round holes and they're getting a 2nd rate police force compared to even 10 years ago.

Our leaders need to realise that life ain't fair, different people and different cultures want different things. Make he opportunity available to all, and select the best, not a quota based on irrelevant criteria. Get over it, get on with the job of hiring decent quality police officers cos they're not many of us left and soon the next generation will be trained but the upcoming whiners and incompetents of today.

I want to catch villains and reassure old ladies and the fact that I'm white, straight and Jewish are not in anyway whatsoever relevant to that. It's just a shame that a small but significantly vocal sector of society think that who you like to have sexy with it which God you pray to are more important than any of that, and that's the culture you're saddled with, multiplying and growing, with today's wastes of space set to be tomorrows leaders.

sylus":3gx1ier4 said:
Back to the topic? the police became worse the minute they lower the standards and also tried to force communities into that have very little wish to join it.

removing the height specification, lowering the entry level for ethnic candidates, making it more about university education than street level common sense.

I have friends who joined in the early 80's who can't wait to get out.
The problem I have with that, is that the general public have acquiesced to practically all thats changed in the police force - and other services for that matter. Sure, grumbled a bit, mentioned the good old days - but all the same, largely, just let it happen.

And then blame these organisations, in isolation, for where they've ended up - they didn't put themselves in those situations by their own hands - they were done for by politics, plain and simple - and not just the politics of one particular political party, either - both the main political parties that have formed governments, in recent decades, have mud on their hands, there.
All this police talk has led me to parooze the interweb in search of all things policey :D Found policey jokes that despite being on a UK police forum ,most seem to be from America.and a policey forum .policey singles clubs[quite a lot of them :shock: too many to be natural]
A link to a police and military suppliers that had some nice looking boots :D

Then i found the bit with handcuff keys.I didnt realise you could buy those things outside :?
A while back i found a key tool type thing in the street but thought it was for a BT engineer or something along those lines
http://ukpoliceonline.patrolstore.com/Z ... -7587.html

Of course ill destroy it :)
The problem with police as they are policy enforcers the politicians pull impossible strings, as how much of the police is about natural law and how much is about enforcing government policy ?

You see a lot of the public think in terms of natural law so when things happen they expect the plod to act and are disappointed when they don't and disappointment leads to failure of belief.

Right now I don't believe the police hold a lot of respect, as it's not just those in high occurrence areas that are getting let down, it's in lots of other areas too.

But numbers aside, despite the cuts in man power the attitude of the police appears to have changed and that change is being seen.

But what's perhaps worse is with many now the police are being seen as part of the 'them', as there is a divide opening up through UK society.
i suppose whichever way we look at things, this whole thread will not change things.
but if we didnt have a police force, were would the country be ?
dyna-ti":2afsfwao said:
All this police talk has led me to parooze the interweb in search of all things policey :D Found policey jokes that despite being on a UK police forum ,most seem to be from America.and a policey forum .policey singles clubs[quite a lot of them :shock: too many to be natural]
A link to a police and military suppliers that had some nice looking boots :D

Then i found the bit with handcuff keys.I didnt realise you could buy those things outside :?
A while back i found a key tool type thing in the street but thought it was for a BT engineer or something along those lines
http://ukpoliceonline.patrolstore.com/Z ... -7587.html

Of course ill destroy it :)

why destroy it? just buy a pair of cuffs...that would be more fun.

I think i read somewhere that all cuffs have the same keys...