** Pipedream Moxie Longer **

Yeah this will be a lovely build mate. Those seatposts are very nice, dropper or not, doesn't matter. It's your bike.
I feel the need to buy a niche frame and hang a personal selection of bike jewellery off it.
Probably shouldn't, but probably will.
Once again everything comes to a halt with the build…

Yet another ‘special tool’ required for tightening the BB 😒

Thought I had grips… but I don’t, forgot they were fitted to the fatty when I sold it 🙄

Thought I had a front brake adapter… but I don’t, the one I have is for 160-203 and I need a 180-203 🙄

Took the bleed screw out the lever, laid it down (this is in the living room so should have been safe…) and can I find it again…. NO!! 😠😂

So… grips, adapter, bleed screws and a Park BBT-47-12 tool have now been ordered!
Grips arrived, some Ergon GE1 Evo Factory in ‘Stealth’


There was another trinket delivered today too… 😳

When I ordered the seat collar I was in two minds if to go for the plain ti or the ‘other’ option. But after seeing how the bike was looking with the cassette and chain, I thought maybe I should have chosen differently… 😕

So, here’s the turquoise/purple fade version of the same clamp, and it is a lovely, lovely thing! 😎

C343A48C-6CB7-4618-89A2-71DEE7E81BDE.jpeg A58E97F7-ACFB-4DE6-9495-BDEEDDE00F69.jpeg AE5DFB31-4D3F-498A-9CF4-B83998A45588.jpeg
Interesting frame, looks really nice. You're always so bold with components, I'd have gone black, run of the mill and called it a day.

Anyway, a joy to follow. Excited to see it complete.