Pauls Mech Disassembly

JeRkY":c4vmokc5 said:
Looks like a really good job Itake it you polished it prior to anodizing?

Oh yes, I've done this enough to know that if you don't polish your parts they won't look good

Would still love to get my mitts on a disassembled pauls/proshift in order to model one up for spares/reproduction production.

Well next time you're in Southern California feel free to stop by. And if I'm ever in the Leeds area I'll bring the bits with me. Do you have access to a CNC machine? I have a buddy here who does that, maybe I should inquire about the process. Might be interesting. Hmmmm....
That looks excellent!

Well done. A lot of time went into that.

I know you probaly wanted it to be black for your build but...

If you HAD done it green or orange/mango I would have been happy to swap my NOS black one for that ;)

Least it gives food for thought - you could breathe life into any old Pauls mech but getting it stripped and anodised and it would look as awesome as what you've done there.

Very impressed. ;)