Paris. Not Good News.

Re: Re:

greencat":1dcm8bup said:
Just to say, that I did not post that which is attributed to me in the post above - and nor do I agree with any of it. Poss user error on the part of highlandsflyer?

Sincere apologies! Edited to correct now. I ought to be arrested for posting while pissed!
Islam is a hierarchical 'organisation', and can indeed reach out to the numerous sub groups. Stating Islam is not a sentient being is bizarre. A little like pointing out our government is not a sentient being.

We are all grown ups here, so I presume most of us know we are talking about an organisation made up of sentient beings. However loosely formed or attached. Thus there is collective sentience. The question is whether there is any reasoning.

Bats":32x47pcc said:
They've already been doing that for years. If you've not noticed you've not bothered to look.

Clearly they have not done so effectively. Given the events, and the rise of Daesh. it would be hard to argue any other case logically. I am sure that won't inhibit you though.
highlandsflyer":45k99orz said:
Islam is a hierarchical 'organisation', and can indeed reach out to the numerous sub groups. Stating Islam is not a sentient being is bizarre. A little like pointing out our government is not a sentient being.

We are all grown ups here, so I presume most of us know we are talking about an organisation made up of sentient beings. However loosely formed or attached. Thus there is collective sentience. The question is whether there is any reasoning.

Bats":45k99orz said:
They've already been doing that for years. If you've not noticed you've not bothered to look.

Clearly they have not done so effectively. Given the events, and the rise of Daesh. it would be hard to argue any other case logically. I am sure that won't inhibit you though.

No it is NOT such a structure.
You do not understand the religion and it's organisation. There is NO central figure or 'Pope' or Archbishop. Each Mullah and Sheilh is an authority in itself within Sunni Islam. Each Mosque is an authority and not everyone who attends gives a shit about the guy on the pulpit an what he says.
Only Shia Islam has such an authority and Shias aren't going around the world planting bombs and murdering - they're the ones suffering at the hands of the Wahabi sub sect within Sunni Islam (whose sub sect of a sub sect is Isis) which is funded by Saudi and Qatar.
The ONLY people who can do any reaching out as you put it are our allies in Saudi Qatar and Turkey and this can only be done by us politically.
Ceasing all fool intervention in the Middle East of course helps as will solving Palestine Israel conflict and cutting down on immigration.
highlandsflyer":iz8cg9rr said:
Clearly they have not done so effectively. Given the events, and the rise of Daesh. it would be hard to argue any other case logically. I am sure that won't inhibit you though.

They've done so to the fullest extent possible, and it's been effective as possible. Would you care to hold the church of england to the same standards? Because plenty of pale faced protestants have shot and blown up tanned muslim civilians - and Liz Windsor hasn't said a word.

Honestly, the approach the various muslim communities have taken is far more effective than anything you've come up with. Your answer to everything is to send GCSE failures with L85s half way around the world, with no coherent, tangible enemy force, and with no clear plan.

No matter how much you come out with jingoist "our brave boys" rubbish it won't change a simple fact: bullets don't kill ideas.
Anyway let's hope things get better.
And the last thing we want is May and Caneron taking away our civil liberties and freedom using terrorism as an excuse.
Expect it again, and again and more importantly, expect it here.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, as there are they, fighting and dying right now in the fight against fundamental ideologies.
So far all terrorist attacks have been committed by Muslims.

We cannot sort this out only they can.
For them to do so, they must wholly accept the British way of life. Which means informing on your fellow Muslim should he be interested in going against the grain.
Furthermore they must also speak out in public in condemnation about illegal practices they are aware of.
Start forcing their children to live within the law.
The events in Paris were truly horrific, and my condolences go out to the people of Paris and all those affected - as they also do to all those in the middle east and around the world whose lives have are taken or turned upside-down by terrorism.

Dyna. Let's not forget 7/7. Over fifty dead and hundreds injured.

Ten years ago.

Prior to that we had terrorism too, and still have other groups intent on killing in the name of.

The difference with this sect is their willingness to die in their actions.

They are fighting for a cause, yes, but they are also guaranteed a place in eternal heaven by their action.

With that ideology, this is a whole new ball game.

Truly a battle of ideas. We need to scratch our heads till they bleed over this.

Bats, Ibbz. I doubt your knowledge or experience of Islamic ideas or customs is any more than mine. Carry on with the patronising approach though; it betrays a particularly binary view of the world.