Paris. Not Good News.

I disagree, they are using the name of Islam to make it look like their cause.
Like I said they are pure terrorists.
I will just leave it there, my thoughts are with the victims and their families.
Whatever view people have on this subject. One thing is clear.
No one feels good seeing such blatant hatred in this world.
I am just feeling very sensitive at the moment.
Re: Re:

Harryburgundy":2t8jumfa said:
'France has closed its borders now...too expletive late'
I should imagine that is to try and prevent any terrorists and their accomplices from escaping France.
Fair enough, time will tell whether they are recent immigrants or homegrown. My point is that either way 'we' have to become fortress and leave the middle east to it, it's unwinnable for us.

We should concentrate on protecting ourselves, first, last and everything inbetween. If that means agents in every mosque, stricter border controls, racial profiling etc so be it. 'Not fair' on decent Muslims but that 'not fair' is still considerably fairer than being gunned down in the street or blown to kingdom come by a suicide nutter. And if reasonable Muslims can't persuade these freaks they're wrong what chance has anyone else got?
Re: Re:

greencat":2n47b1wn said:
Mike Muz 67":2n47b1wn said:
This has to be the most unsettling time in human history.

Suspect that's not the case, Mike. The world is a very safe place compared to most of human history. You don't even have to go back even a century to find scarier times (cf both world wars - plus the flu epidemic after the first, and the cold war after the second).

I suspect what's changed is that the reporting is more intimate and immediate than ever before - and we are perhaps less hardened to random loss of life to violence (this being a good thing perhaps).

I could respond, but this isn't really the right time. The dust hasn't even settled yet

Re: Re:

greencat":3lxxagbp said:
Mike Muz 67":3lxxagbp said:
This has to be the most unsettling time in human history.

Suspect that's not the case, Mike. The world is a very safe place compared to most of human history. You don't even have to go back even a century to find scarier times (cf both world wars - plus the flu epidemic after the first, and the cold war after the second).

I suspect what's changed is that the reporting is more intimate and immediate than ever before - and we are perhaps less hardened to random loss of life to violence (this being a good thing perhaps).

The only times during this 'modern era' that the world's general wealth and resources were as unfairly concentrated into the pockets of the few as they are today, were the few years shortly preceeding both world wars. What does that tell you?

If the prognostications in the Book of Revelations and the bible as a whole have any merit/validity, then these (recent times) are only the beginning of the world's coming troubles.

Ater the Charlie Hebdo incident, France has done nothing but to kow-tow to the whims and desires of the radical sector's (out of which the extremists emerge) interests, while continuiing to bend over backwards to observe the world's current political correctness mania (a couple prior posts on this thread speak to that phenomenon).

The pressures are building, fast. The world over. Unless things change; unless matters are managed very very differently (other than with military incursions and police brutality) ... what you are witnessing in France is, in all sad and horrific probability, but a precursor.

Oops - but don't say anything that might ruffle anyone's feathers, though. Better to let sleeping dogs lay quiet, so we can all continue hoping that our little corner in the world won't change.

It doesn't work that way. The world's people (the masses) better awaken, fast.
Re: Re:

k-rod":1phmhctk said:
If the prognostications in the Book of Revelations and the bible as a whole have any merit/validity, then these (recent times) are only the beginning of the world's coming troubles.

Ater the Charlie Hebdo incident, France has done nothing but to kow-tow to the whims and desires of the radical sector's (out of which the extremists emerge) interests, while continuiing to bend over backwards to observe the world's current political correctness mania (a couple prior posts on this thread speak to that phenomenon).

France very much takes a hard line with extremism, and deals very fairly on the whole with anyone regardless of their origin. They are not weak as a result, they are extremely strong. I don't know how you can even say that given their involvement in attacking Daesh in Syria.

The world is not in the grips of any kind of mania, except that put forward by extremists of the terrorist nature and the tinfoil hat wearers tending to the right wing.

ok, as the Mod of this section i completely understand why this topic is being talked about, but there have been some dodgy comments as i read through the thread.

i'll only say it once, keep it sensible and non offensive.
Mike Muz 67":2sxvu0s6 said:
oldmuthariley":2sxvu0s6 said:
Muslim scum...

Terrorist scum you mean, surely?

There is a difference. A very big one.

Terrorist murderous scum.
Sure they're using their warped version of the Muslim religion - same warped ideology they've used to bomb Beirut the day before - were they 'Muslim scum' then? Or doesn't it really matter in that case?

Ignorant and foolish comments like 'Muslim scum' really make my bile come up. I am a believer in free speech and so I wouldn't want you silenced or banned though.

The same scum have been raping Syria for 4 years now and I hope the Russians and Syrian Govt wipe them clean out!
Re: Re:

highlandsflyer":3lrhwvcu said:
The long term solution to these types of outrage seems clear to me. The upper ranks within Islam need to reach out further and educate. No one should be subject to the radicalisation that results in actions like last night's. They are being sold a lie; and as long as they believe attacking innocent people will guarantee them heaven, this will keep happening.

It is a death cult that needs to be stamped out. Only Islam itself can reach out to these people and make it clear how misguided they are.

They've already been doing that for years. If you've not noticed you've not bothered to look.
Re: Re:

highlandsflyer":2dd6237f said:
k-rod":2dd6237f said:
greencat":2dd6237f said:
If the prognostications in the Book of Revelations and the bible as a whole have any merit/validity, then these (recent times) are only the beginning of the world's coming troubles.

Ater the Charlie Hebdo incident, France has done nothing but to kow-tow to the whims and desires of the radical sector's (out of which the extremists emerge) interests, while continuiing to bend over backwards to observe the world's current political correctness mania (a couple prior posts on this thread speak to that phenomenon).

France very much takes a hard line with extremism, and deals very fairly on the whole with anyone regardless of their origin. They are not weak as a result, they are extremely strong.

The world is not in the grips of any kind of mania, except that put forward by extremists of the terrorist nature and the tinfoil hat wearers tending to the right wing.

Just to say, that I did not post that which is attributed to me in the post above - and nor do I agree with any of it. Poss user error on the part of highlandsflyer?
Re: Re:

Bats":4dhtocmv said:
highlandsflyer":4dhtocmv said:
The long term solution to these types of outrage seems clear to me. The upper ranks within Islam need to reach out further and educate. No one should be subject to the radicalisation that results in actions like last night's. They are being sold a lie; and as long as they believe attacking innocent people will guarantee them heaven, this will keep happening.

It is a death cult that needs to be stamped out. Only Islam itself can reach out to these people and make it clear how misguided they are.

They've already been doing that for years. If you've not noticed you've not bothered to look.

Islam is a religion, it is there to be used and manipulated by those that claim to follow its principles and pillars.
It cannot reach out in itself. It's not a sentient being.
Muslims do and have done but there are so many schisms within the religion that each sect is at the others throats.
Just look at the car bomb and auicide bombing in Beirut in a Hezbullah area which killed scores of Muslims. The Daesh (ISIS) consider ALL Muslims who disagree with them as heretics apostates and as targets.
There seems to be a sudden outrage when a western European city gets hit by these insane murderers - how many suicide bombs shootings and murders have these same Devils arranged and executed in Iran? Iraq? Syria? Pakistan? Nigeria? Yemen? Lebanon? And if course Russia Etc in the last month? I didn't see any full page spreads in papers then and nor did I notice any outrage here.

The problem is Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait and Turkey- these Gulf scum and turkey control command and direct and remain unscathed as 'allies' and friends and NATO members while we demonise Russia demand regime change supporting "moderates" in Syria and Libya creating failed states and more recruits for Daesh.

Thank Christ we didn't go into Syria like the French have. That Hollande is a knob.

Read 'the Jihadis Return' by Patrick Cockburn. And keep abreast of his and Robert Fisk's articles plus those of Seymour Hersch if you want to know what's what .