Parcelforce Lost my Frame!


Dirt Disciple
I thought I would post this here hoping that the person with my Red Woodrup Steel frame might contact me. I know exactly where their red Cannondale Caad2 frame is.
How did this happen? Total incompetence by PF. 2 large bike cardboard boxes were delivered to their depot where the wrong address labels were applied! How do I know this? Woodrup did some detective work and managed to spot where the frame they have came from. I know roughly where my frame is. PF haven't a clue! I now have to fill out a form detailing what it looks like. They have 2 complaint reference numbers by which they should be able to see where our parcels are.
I had calmed down after a bike ride but my blood is now boiling again after reading an email from PF.
I've had that where the depot scanned the wrong label.

Unfortunately it's easier for them to pay your insured amount than chase the parcel😪.
I've had that where the depot scanned the wrong label.

Unfortunately it's easier for them to pay your insured amount than chase the parcel😪.
WE have just received a standard message from their complaints department. We have sent them an email stating that we have done all the donkey work discovering what has happened and where things are. We have given them both complaint numbers so they can cross reference where things are and where they should be. Even a 5 year old could sort it out!
Parcel A which went to destination B needs to go to destination A. Parcel B which went to destination A needs to go to destination B.
These logistics companies aren't set up for resolving problems manually like this - and nor is it worth their time. But you might get lucky.

Another option might to be to find be to try and find a facebook group relating to the location where you think your frame ended up.
Yes, more than likely they will write it off and just pay out the compensation.
These logistics companies aren't set up for resolving problems manually like this - and nor is it worth their time. But you might get lucky.

Another option might to be to find be to try and find a facebook group relating to the location where you think your frame ended up.
Or try to actually reach a human at the depot that lost it. They, too, are humans, and do give a sh1t, but the system deffo does not.
I’d expect that as a company PF or any courier won’t put the man hours into sorting the situation. It’s simply not worth the cost to them as a company.

You may fall lucky if you get hold of someone who’s got half a clue or you know anyone that works for them.

I ship a lot with various couriers (UPS mainly) and when we had a box lost for a month earlier this year i got the guy I’ve got friendly with at the depot to have a look. He located it within 5 mins and 1 call and it was on route ti me again.
Pop round the depot, with a bottle of something, or some flowers... turn on the charm...

I had a (commercial) neighbour was putting his mixed waste packaging in our paid-for commercial recycling - after he'd peeled off his name and address natch...

I had the barcode and applied some charm to the courier company...
the naughty neighbour got a Very Big Fine!🤣
I feel your pain - I bought a Soma mountain bike frame from a US soldier in Spain many years ago and they did a crap job of labelling the package. It ended up lost in the depths of the USPS likely somewhere in the SE. I ended up getting my $ refunded. Can't recall what I replaced that frame with.