OMG (riding content)

that trackstand made my heart drop! yeah im with enid, although i did once jump a few people on a bmx and ramp made from kitchen worktop and bricks (i was about 9)

jedi welcome! (i now know your identity) :D
Not one for the for the vertigo sufferers, so that's me out then! But i daresay i may well have had a go as a teenager, i think when the pressure's on that intensely and the adrenalin is pumping, it might help your concentration? But respect to the headcases! :twisted:
I'm more of the opinion of 'WHY'! we have big wheels, gears and brakes to go fast, not fart arsing about on some planks nailed to a tree. Join the circus or become a gymnast if you want to spend all day balancing on stuff!!!