Officially car and van free....a new life begins!

80 mile daily commute says 'no'

It would be nice though
During lockdown things were tight money wise some weeks I was doing nearly 1000 miles just to get to work....that was painful and really drove it home just how sick I was of pumping gas to exist....that and the associated thing of being the govs best money lender!
We've got some decent Independent shops locally so i shop there, sometimes on foot, sometimes on the bike, we rely on the internet for pretty much everything else including our weekly food shop..
I'm not great with the large chain store retail experience, last time i went to Ikea a few years ago to get my kid a bed.. i was already feeling pretty apprehensive about it having not been in a shop for years, my kid was hungry because he didn't have any breakfast so he and my mrs went to the cafe while i went to find the beds.. "ring me when you've done" i couldn't find the beds, my phone signal was zero so i couldn't find the family, i wandered around for what seemed like hours then i heard my name on the tannoy saying "Betsy, go to department such and such!" but i had no clue where this department was? I didn't even know what department i was in.. :rolleyes: had a bit of mini freakout, abandoned the trolley, couldn't find the exit and eventually went to sit in the car, got a phone signal, rang my mrs and asked them to meet me outside.. they were in the bed department all along... I ended up going home and buying the bed online 🤣
We've got some decent Independent shops locally so i shop there, sometimes on foot, sometimes on the bike, we rely on the internet for pretty much everything else including our weekly food shop..
I'm not great with the large chain store retail experience, last time i went to Ikea a few years ago to get my kid a bed.. i was already feeling pretty apprehensive about it having not been in a shop for years, my kid was hungry because he didn't have any breakfast so he and my mrs went to the cafe while i went to find the beds.. "ring me when you've done" i couldn't find the beds, my phone signal was zero so i couldn't find the family, i wandered around for what seemed like hours then i heard my name on the tannoy saying "Betsy, go to department such and such!" but i had no clue where this department was? I didn't even know what department i was in.. :rolleyes: had a bit of mini freakout, abandoned the trolley, couldn't find the exit and eventually went to sit in the car, got a phone signal, rang my mrs and asked them to meet me outside.. they were in the bed department all along... I ended up going home and buying the bed online 🤣

That sound genuinely awful! I'm not a big fan of shops myself; I get all anxious and sweaty - and before someone says it, I'm talking about regular shops here, not specialist adult shops :LOL:
I did it for three years while living in Singapore. But their public transport is integrated and wonderful. I cycle commuted daily in 32C and 90%+ humidity. There was never a need for a rain jacket, I was soaked regardless of the weather.

UK public transport and cycling facilities are shockingly bad compared to most of Northern Europe. It's impossible for me to go to Southampton (15 miles away) on the bus for an evening out.
I lived in Glasgow for 10 years and never owned a vehicle. I rented one a handful of times to move house and the odd trip away. It never even occurred to me to buy one.
Now I live in the arse end of Cornwall and couldn't be without a vehicle!
I did it for three years while living in Singapore. But their public transport is integrated and wonderful. I cycle commuted daily in 32C and 90%+ humidity. There was never a need for a rain jacket, I was soaked regardless of the weather.

UK public transport and cycling facilities are shockingly bad compared to most of Northern Europe. It's impossible for me to go to Southampton (15 miles away) on the bus for an evening out.
Yeah round my way buses are a joke....nearly £10 to do a 20 mile return journey....I've beaten that bus a few times on a bike by the time it's done all its stops. Last service back to my town around 8:00 from most local towns in the evening so a night out ...? No chance 🙄

90+humidity ! Ooh sticky ! I think my wet weather gear is going to need a rethink for winter....maybe a nice poncho!