Newbie and his fleet

4 DDG's custom built from frame up, GT built from frame up with odd bits lying about. Haro escape lightly upgraded, that daft CBR heavily upgraded. Started back in 2017 with a 2000 DDG Blackjack (Prototype) (now decommisioned due to hairline crack on a weld) which was in bits since 2005 and an old saracen raw (almost altus spec and heavy as the sun).
Nice you have enough stuff to have fun, a dirt, two doubles susp ... :)

I have never seen that brand. Where it was based? Are they still making bicycles?
They were produced from 1995 to 2010 by supercycles (Nottingham), were popular all over the midlands back in the day. They still knocking out the Onza bikes but DDG been dead for a decade. Been a pure waiting game on ebay for nice DDG bits in good nick.