New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon (Finished P5 11th Dec)

Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

I don't know to be honest but will find out. I imagine that its not stove enamel as he don't have a stove.

And after decals go on it will have a clear coat.
Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

Well Del at Delcals has done it again.

As is normal with Peugeot there are several different versions of decals for the same model bike depending on year. The only Triathlon ones I could find were earlier than what I needed.

So in the end I bought some on ebay that looked to have the right shape stripes, when they arrived they were the right shape and colour but to long. So I sent them off to Del to be changed. I also sent him pictures of the Triathlon word and the sizes as the only ones on line were up right and my letters were slanted.

He also did the Mavic wheel ones for me and the little Cycles Peugeot decals (again couldn't find them any where).

Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

Im in the process of restoring the same bike - although I think mine is an 86 model. like yours the paint was to far gone so I went down the powder coat route.

As Ive changed the colour to something close to celeste green and rebuilding as a fixed gear/ single speed its more a rebuild than a faithful restoration but i want to stay fairly faithful to the original so Im really interested in the decals - where did you get them were they supplied from stock or are they custom?
Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

Well ........... for the older Triathlons you can get decals on ebay just search Peugeot Triathlon decals. You will see that the stripes and lions are different to mine. As far as I am aware they are correct for bikes up to 87.

Mine being a 88 had different stripes, head badge and lions on the seat tube. So I bought a set that was close on ebay. When they arrived the stripes were the right colours but to long so I sent them to my man who re-did them for me. He also made me the Triathlon word from photos along with the Peugeot Cycles one (white square) that you don't seem to be able to get any where.

I then got the Peugeot word for the down tube from H Llyods as they are the only ones I have found that do this word correct for the 88 onwards bikes in that the word slants up the frame, has a 2mm drop down on the top part of the letters and has the R symbol at the end.

So mine is a combination, Head badge, seat tube lions and 12 speed decal from a set on ebay, stripes and Triathlon word custom made and Peugeot word from H Lloyds.

Hope that helps .........
Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

Talking of stickers mine is all done and ready for its clear coat on Monday.

Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

Thats looking really good - with the exception of the down tube decal (mine is black speedblock with no slant) mine looks the same - Ill contact Del- with a bit of luck he may even still have a template?

Ill contact lloyds for the down tube logo. Thanks youve been a big help - Ill try to post some of mine

He's only just done them so he should do. Tell him Paul MacDonald sent you his way.

Also just be aware that they need to be clear coated over the top, other wise if you rub them to hard or get cleaning stuff on them they the colour will come off. I did the stripes dry and the Triathlon word wet.

Paul will do - thanks for that.

What size wheels does your have? - I aquired mine with no wheels and have assumed its 700cc rather than 27inch - Im just about to order some wheels and would welcome some assurance Ive got that right ?
Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

Mine had odd wheels, it had a Mavic MA2 on the rear old style with red and green label and then a more aero type mavic 190fb on the front. Both with 700 x 20 tyres. So what I have actually done is buy new rigida wheels which look the same near as damm it as the 190's added the mavic decals that del did for me and use the original skewers. I think they look the part.
Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon

Bit of a set back today, clear coat went badly wrong. Needs to be taken right back and started again.

Feeling a bit deflated to be honest as it means buying all new decals and so on.

Was only supposed to be a low cost resto, now with new wheels, paint and a few sets of decals its mounting up :(