Mystery and Unidentified Parts

Definitely in the titanium weight range. Pretty sure my Merlin bar is a little heavier than that
Hi, is anyone able to help identify these cranks, they're currently on a Pace RC200 F2, but need to find a new pair/single left crank as they're on their last legs! 8F2B815E-ED2E-4C7E-8DD5-73F255A8EEB1.webp 3DBB4EBD-2AB3-466A-806C-850C234E4752.webp
I have these handlebars without markings that I thought might be Tange steel though it turns out they're not magnetic and they don't appear to be aluminium as the walls are thin. They have the hue of titanium, I thought they might be nickel plated though a few nicks seem to show this is the natural colour. Is there any other way of checking to see what metal they might be? Cheers
Looks ti -
although stainless is hardly magnetic, but an unsuitable material for a bar due to fatigue life.

It could be aluminium with a ti finish, but the walls look little thin.

You can measure the density by submerging the bars in a suitable container full of water, then remove enough water to drop the level back to where it was before you immersed the bar.

Weigh this water - from which you can calculate the volume (1g/cm³)

Density=weight/ volume
Steel 8 g/cm³
Titanium 4.4 g/cm³
Aluminium alloy 2.7 g/cm³

The differences are considerable.
Hi, is anyone able to help identify these cranks, they're currently on a Pace RC200 F2
Those are bullseye. Get them refurbished, unless you are very wealthy. Bullseyes tend to run in the £400-500 a set mark, spare arms are rare and chrome ones even rarer. Your best bet, unless there is something structurally wrong with them, is to have them rechromed by a plater. If the cinch bolt has gone, then have someone like @danson67 sort it out. Don’t junk them, they are too expensive and easy to fix to do that
Oh, and your RC200 doesn’t look like an RC200 as it’s painted and has push fit BB. Likely an RC100