My terrible memory!


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Yeti Fan
Just realised I've totally forgotten to arrange collection of a pair of wheels and tyres I 'won' in a collection-only eBay auction a month ago. :facepalm: :oops: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Hopefully the seller hasn't binned or re-sold the pair of Onza Porcs on them!

I;ve previously also realised a full two months after buying a NOS Ringle Seat Collar that it hadn't been delivered, only to find that it was returned to the seller - in Germany - because I hadn't responded to the "we missed you" card off the courier... It was over 5 months to get money back from that as it was subsequently lost in transit en route back. :roll:

And earlier tonight I was gently nudged by way of a new comment on the Mayhem thread that I forgot to reply to an order over a week ago, after I posted that I was busy that day, but would PM him tomorrow...

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Am I alone in this kind of caper? I think it's either early onset Alzheimer's or some unwanted side effect of one of several meds I have to take. :evil:

I don't have the best memory either.

I use the 'Reminders' function on my iPhone all the time and it can trigger reminders based on location or time/date. Or I'll glance at the list and it'll jog my memory. Very handy.

I’m the same Nik, constant reminders from my phone for things I should really be able to remember, I have a repeat one telling me to water the plants.
Yep...Absolutely useless when it comes to remembering to call pals back, holiday dates and even certain words in sentences sometimes...I end up looking like a buffering fool! :facepalm: :LOL:

At work however, I have a memory like an elephant and remember everything!!! ;) :twisted: :LOL:
I just walked into this thread and I have no idea why, sorry.... :LOL:

All the above are me on a daily basis, but when the forgetfulness affect retro parts, it's even more frustrating!

Like forgetting an ebay auction is ending, even though the app has alerted me to the ensuing deadline, I still forget to check back 10 minutes later (or whatever the countdown is!). Missed out on a Crud Catcher the other day becasue I was waiting to stick a cheeky last few seconds bid in, but forgot! :facepalm:

Same here. Always have to set multiple phone reminders and make to do lists. I blame life being too hectic, with school runs, homework, extra curricular activities, the hassle of running a biz etc

Write things down on paper and speak the words out when writing. You'll remember things this way.
Think its just a sign that you have a life, when you start putting the kettle in the fridge after making a cup of coffee or park your car on your neighbours drive when you get home, then you should maybe start to worry :)