My 'new' old 'gas-pipe' Raleigh Pursuit


Dirt Disciple
Got this last week for 45 quid off ebay.
The short story is, my 'proper' riding days were nailed by a passing lorry, smashing my hip into a kerb some years ago. I've been given the go ahead though to ride somewhat regularly again and the leg feels loads better.
So, I got this as a budget way to get back into it...and a fun way. I wanted something harking back a bit, something akin to what I rode when younger....paper rounds, daily school rides and my first proper training, big forays into the peak district and time trialling.
It's a bit knackered and certainly was when delivered in bits in a box.
The challenge is to keep and restore as much as possible.
I've had exotic stuff before and want to keep away from temptation!
Rims are 28 inch...there isn't too much rust at the lugs...there are no cage bosses and it has a short 105 groupset.
I will replace the saddle, possibly with a Rolls as I used in the 80's and service items and possibly go back to toeclips (not sure yet), which will be better on my hip and knee.
Anyway here goes :)
...delivered in a mixed, boxed heap :x

I've spent some hours in the hijacked kitchen polishing what is now, the brightwork..

This morning...and I'm getting quite pleased with it, 80's style :D
young cannabis plants by any chance
I think you found yourself a good buy. I sold a couple of Pursuits just over a year ago and then they made 3 times what you've paid. Always hard to tell from photo's but it looks very clean and black is the easiest colour to touch up if needed. If you need new tyres try and find tan walls they look so much better than solid black on retro builds.

Keep the pics coming :)
Those plants are yet more bargain bin knackers my missus has charged with rescueing :shock:

I do have to replace tyres and I'd like tan-walls, but may sacrifice looks for functionality on this, as the roads in this funding-cut-ridden part of rural Leicestershire are really horrific. Something quite puncture resistant is a must really.
Anyhow, I've spent the best part of a morning / afternoon polishing and am quite chuffed...Autoglym metal polish is ace.
Should've done a before and after really, instead here's how the still filthy rear now looks in comparison with the almost restored front :D

Thanks guys. Currently mulling over my next move...the levers need replacing, so do I go with Aero levers which came to me on the bike?
Or do I go non-aero, which the bike was most certainly sold it's an '86.....unless it was a personal hack for someone like Fignon :)
I quite fancy non-aero...I love 'em and there's loads about....maybe some Weinmann's to match the calipers.
It would be nice if there was a sales brochure knocking about and then follow the picture and rebuild it as the picture.
Yes I agree. I'm on the look-out....that would be cool. The 105 upgrade is at least period and siomething I may have done at the time myself, so I may leave that. Cheers.
Just finished reassembling all the brightwork, drivetrain etc. Only the rear rim to do now and I'll start shopping :)
It's taken a lot more elbow grease than I reckoned for, but so far I'm really pleased with it.
I'm going to go with some period Shimano 105 Aero levers, Rolls saddle and black Cinelli cork tape. A couple of mods, but period. I had the same upgrades on my TI Raleigh in the late 80's, so it will be a mid-life trip down that memory lane place!
Not sure yet about pedals though, but I have found some pretty cool puncture resistant Continentals which come in 28 inch, so quite chuffed.
Cheers :cool:
