A drunk Brit not being on top of the date stamper and selling bikes made by drunk French is also a theory not to be put aside.

The single best I have found with Pugs is the head badge reference. Tontonvelo have even disqualified the pre-war dates according to what Peugeot later published. Can be a nightmare so the other clues can be more meaningful. Unravelling the ins-and-outs of Pug domestic vs export seems like an endless surprise list

All that said, it's of course as we know what is in your hands to work with the more important and essential. I really like this because of the sombre colour, lugs and suspect there is still a lot of quality and miles in it. It beats the usual droves of worthless 10 speed Pug racers by a mile in terms of usefulness and it will probably ride pretty darn well.
I like the steel bars too and they have come up well. The SR stem is a better choice than that ATAX stem with at a guess a conical wedge

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