My bikes.

Wow, didn't expect that. They must have had a solid selection BITD. 👌
Brand snobbery blinds the cognoscenti, so I buy them. The early to mid 90s Carreras are nice bikes. Very well specced for the price point and every one I've ridden rides well. They beat the known brands. I'm sure someone will tell me I'm talking out of my a*se but this is my experience.
Very nice bike Guiness, even more pristine and appealing than my CB. It'll be interesting to hear how you get on with the Campag groupset as you revitalise it.
Thanks Bob, asides it's clunky changes and non existent brakes it rides well, hopefully some attention will sort this. Not a light bike by any means, probably mid 20lbs.
Brand snobbery blinds the cognoscenti, so I buy them. The early to mid 90s Carreras are nice bikes. Very well specced for the price point and every one I've ridden rides well. They beat the known brands. I'm sure someone will tell me I'm talking out of my a*se but this is my experience.
I find that most department store bikes even today, over here at least, are decent value for money if you just need something that rides.

They wouldn't be able to sell bikes if they didn't reliably do what they needed to do, they'd be ruined, so folks that keep slandering even modern department store bikes are usually very misguided. That isn't to say I think the quality of today compares to what you've got there, that's a different class - it's got character too, which is something that you don't get for cheaps anymore.