Their sintered brake blocks were a step above Campagnolo - in wet conditions. The levers and calipers not so, having a somewhat spongey feel in comparison to Record.
The Kronos where great for TT’s as small light & pretty aero but braking was useless but then in a TT it’s about going fast no slowing down..
I even went as far making a little article
Their sintered brake blocks were a step above Campagnolo - in wet conditions. The levers and calipers not so, having a somewhat spongey feel in comparison to Record.
Mavic levers and calipers were rebranded by Modolo but these are the only ones I've ever seen showing Mavic and Modolo on my Gitane Olympic... must be worth a fortune
Those are the sintered (I think they called them 'sinterized' or maybe 'synterized') blocks, the ones that worked. I think Hinault's Vie Claire team used Modolo brakes for a while.