What does surprise me about the whole 80/90s decline in these french and Italian operations is that they didn't rationalize, or at least cooperate more, combining forces to produce groupsets. Galli was a fine example, having nearly a complete group.
Perhaps the cost of tooling up and design for an ergo shift system was just too much? I know that Campagnolo produced the first levers for the Sachs groupset, perhaps that was a mistake? I've not seen much written, nor researched on the decline of companies like Galli/Ofmega/Sachs Huret/Simplex et al. It seems shrouded in mystery.
Working in engineering these past 30 years I've an appreciation of how a company can do well, even in a niche European scenario, and also how and why they fail. Where there were a good few dozen top end component manufacturers we now have the 'big three', and given Campagnolos lacklustre design output over the past couple of years I'm not sure we won't be down to two before the decade is out.